Thursday, May 2, 2013

About Face

I used to be a pizza face all the way up to my 30’s.

I tried everything when I was a teenager. Then I had parents who would help to do anything and afford to buy me whatever I thought I needed to combat zits.

I tried Noxzema every day. I rub it on my face and rinse it off.
I tried acne washes and creams.

Then I learned my fingertips are oily and dirty.

So I looked at my habits.

I used to place my hands on my face while I sleep. I learned to stop that.

I stopped resting my head or face in my hands.
I stopped popping pimples.
These practices helped reduce some pimples.

I had oily hair when I was a teenager. I started to think my oily hair may have been causing some problems too. So I tried to keep my hair off my face and keep my hair short.

To combat my oily hair, I started to shower twice a day. I thought about my pillow covers; I started to change them more often. I saw more results.

When I left for Minnesota, I found out Noxzema was expensive to keep up. I settled for a generic version, but still there were times I really could afford to keep it up.

I did keep all my other practices I learned at home.

Then when I was 30 something, I had these fruit honeys, honey blended with fruit. I was looking for something new for my face care. I was thinking these would make great facials! I rubbed the fruit honey on my face like a facial and rinsed with warm water.

That was the ultimate cure. I have been so clear since then. I now only get like 1 zit per month. I can say I am no longer pizza face.

I also found out after having children the wonderful powers of diaper rash ointment. It cures: scrapes, burns, scars, not just diaper rash. Then I tried it on zits! It works!

I also discovered aloe vera gel or lotion; heals and hydrates.

My face is still as clear as when I discovered honey.

I still try to maintain my face, and finding other things that work for me.

I stopped using a wash cloth to wash my face that was too harsh on my face.

I stopped drying my face with a bath towel.

I stopped wearing so much make up. I just use lipstick and lip balm for my lips.

Now I am finding all I need is a simple wash in the shower. I just stick my face in the water streaming from the showerhead, gently rub my face like a facial, rinse, air dry, and apply a little aloe vera gel or lotion.

These are the things that helped me clear my face.
• Changing habits
• Keeping my hands and hair away from my face
• Keep my hair short
• I stopped using a wash cloth to wash my face
• I stopped drying my face with a bath towel.
• I stopped wearing so much make up.
• Changing or washing pillow covers more often
• Honey facials
• Diaper rash ointment
• Aloe vera gel or lotion _______________________________________________________________________________    

I hope this might help others who are struggling to keep a clear face.

History of Diabla Speaking Spanish