Saturday, March 15, 2014

Blackbean Brownies, yes blackbeans!

I found this recipe checking out Dr. Oz online. I was researching Dr. Oz’s Magnesium Grocery List.



1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed
2 Tablespoons cocoa powder
1/2 C quick oats
1/3 maple syrup
2 Tablespoon sugar
1/2 C vegetable oil
2 tsp vanilla
2/3 C chocolate chips

Blend all ingredients except chocolate chips in food processor, or blender if you must.
Food processor is best. Blend until really smooth. Blend really well.

Bake 350, 18- 20 minutes

These Brownies turned out great.  I was totally surprised!

One problem I had was how to tell when the brownies are done. The toothpick method didn't work. Going by looks didn't work. I baked the brownies 20- 30 minutes to make sure they were done. Didn't seem to hurt.

The brownies were "to die for", chewy, soft, chocolately. I was moaning with pleasure of chocolate satisfaction. Washing down with 1% milk added more pleasure!

Just a note; not a big fan of Dr. Oz. Was only looking for diet ideas.

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