Sunday, July 13, 2014

New Oreo Flavors

Have you seen or tried the new Oreo flavors?


Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

Rice Krispie Treat

So far I only tried Limeade. I love it, it's cool and refreshing. I have found only these flavors in my favorite supermarket. I heard there's more out there. Can't wait to try the other flavors.

My attempt, using blogging apps

This was my first attempt using android phone for blogging.

And using blogging apps, which I found didn't really function the way I like to blog. Including Blogger app. So I went back to the real Blogger site.

Then I found out about the ColorNote app where I can keep html codes there and write a draft.

I'm leaving it this way to show what I learned and how I progress.

January - June 2014, What I have I been doing My full time jobs at home, wife mother caretaker cook/baker housekeeper teacher spectator chauffer Job trial January Kohler Generator Tried large build generator assembler for 3 days, found out I was too short to reach parts on the rack, and parts were too big for me to lift, I couldn't continue because I didn't have the ability to work alone as required. At least I tried. Education Khan Academy, html lessons Typing Web, typing lessons Learning to use personal laptop and android phone Learning to use Paint app on laptop, created this example of my work experience at Kohler Generator Job seeking Reading resume and job search advice Careerealism Smartbrief on Your Career and Workforce Crafting and revising resumes Applying to jobs a least once a week Learning to use apps on android phone for job search Check out my recipes and creations I shared on Google + and Blogger jodinesplace

Saturday, July 12, 2014

ColorNote app

I can "copy and paste" to and from ColorNote like; links to pages, my resume, text from pages.

I use it for writing blog posts, emails, status updates, and tweets.

I use it for grocery lists. I can search items through the ColorNote. I can mark off items as I go.

I use it for reminders, to do lists, jotting notes to self, info from tv ads, and more.

I used it for a phone job interview.

I put the company info, name and phone number, job descriptions, and my resume. I was able to turn this note into a scheduled reminder for the interview.

I also was able to use the phone number right from the ColorNote. I just pressed the number and it dialed. That was awesome! I didn't have to leave my notes.

This is how I found out that "links" actually work too!

I just recently discovered if I swipe to the left, there's a calender! And all my reminders color coded on the dates set.

I can share any notes to my email, messaging, Twitter, Google+, and Facebook.

It has checklist and notepad mode. Color choices.

Press the menu button to find out all you can do with ColorNote.

Press and hold to get the copy and paste menu, in the text box or on the pad.

Copy right on to any notepad.

For shopping list mode, press and hold for a menu to pop up.

This is my attempt to blog with my android phone. Using some of my html skills. Using a separating line I just discovered. I'm always learning something new. Oh yes, I used ColorNote to draft this post.

Friday, June 13, 2014

What I have I been doing with my time off

January - June 2014
My full time jobs at home:
  • wife
  • mother
  • caretaker
  • cook/baker
  • housekeeper
  • teacher
  • spectator
  • chauffer
Job trial  in January
Kohler Generator
Tried large build generator assembler for 3 days, found out I was too short to reach parts on the rack, and parts were too big for me to lift, I couldn't continue because I didn't have the ability to work alone as required. At least I tried.
Self Education
Khan Academy, html lessons
Typing Web, typing lessons
Learning to use personal laptop and android phone
Learning to use Paint app on laptop
Created this example of my work experience at Kohler Generator
Job Search
  • Crafting and revising resumes
  • Applying to jobs a least once a week
  • Learning to use apps on android phone for job search
  • Reading resume and job search advice
Smartbrief on Your Career and Workforce
Hobbies and Interests
Check out my recipes and creations I shared on Google + and Blogger "jodinesplace"
It's time to get back to work

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

All the Birds in My Backyard Trees

The trees in the backyard, right in front of my bedroom window; there is a bird soap opera, "The Birds in My Backyard Trees".
I call one robin "Crazy", he likes to sit on the window ledges, on lower the level, and make love to his mirror image on the window. Or might be trying to chase that robin in the window away. He always chases visiting robins away.
Mrs. Robin waits for me on her usual branch to come for a visit. She comes when I call, wakes me up, and alerts me to strangers visiting.
Recently Mr. Robin has been coming when I call.
I finally figured out Mr. and Mrs. Robin are mates. Mr. Robin is "Crazy".

Mr. Most Beautiful the cardinal, likes showing off his bright red plumage. He's the brightest cardinal I ever seen. He doesn't like sharing the limelight with other male cardinals.
One day watched him chase another male all over the neighborhood in back. I asked them are you still at it? Aren't you tired yet?
I'm still not to sure what is really going on between the 2 male cardinals. Maybe Mr. Most Beautiful was mentoring. I saw the cardinal that was being chased still hanging around, without being chased.

2 Cedar Blackwings came to visit. I have never seen these birds around before. They were beautiful and cute. I thought they were kissing each other. But I learned they pass berries to each other.
Mrs. Robin was curious about them, and just let them be. I was really surprised, no alarm or chasing away. She sat on a branch facing them watching them.

There is Mr. and Mrs. Mourning Dove, Yellow and Purple Finch family, Sparrow gang, Blackbird gang, Catbirds, Chickadees, and 1 Bluejay.

There used to be a squirrel that climbed up to a branch that came right up to my window.

Of course I feed the birds; I save my crusts, crumbs, and seeds for the birds. The birds come when I open the window and start singing with them.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tasty, Pasta Salad; tried it with kiwi

Odd Combination, Tasty, Pasta Salad

3 cups cooked rainbow rotini pasta
1/4 cup diced mango

1/4 cup thinly sliced, seedless cucumber

1 diced sweet pepper

1 tsp sweet pickle relish

1 tsp spicy brown mustard

4 Tablespoons mayonnaise

Gently mix all ingredients, until well blended and coated with mayonnaise.
Odd combination, cool, tasty results. You have to try it to believe it.
I couldn't find a good mango at my store at the time of my grocery shopping day, so I thought kiwi would be a cool combination with the cucumber. I liked the results, so I'm sharing my idea.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Blackbean Brownies, yes blackbeans!

I found this recipe checking out Dr. Oz online. I was researching Dr. Oz’s Magnesium Grocery List.



1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed
2 Tablespoons cocoa powder
1/2 C quick oats
1/3 maple syrup
2 Tablespoon sugar
1/2 C vegetable oil
2 tsp vanilla
2/3 C chocolate chips

Blend all ingredients except chocolate chips in food processor, or blender if you must.
Food processor is best. Blend until really smooth. Blend really well.

Bake 350, 18- 20 minutes

These Brownies turned out great.  I was totally surprised!

One problem I had was how to tell when the brownies are done. The toothpick method didn't work. Going by looks didn't work. I baked the brownies 20- 30 minutes to make sure they were done. Didn't seem to hurt.

The brownies were "to die for", chewy, soft, chocolately. I was moaning with pleasure of chocolate satisfaction. Washing down with 1% milk added more pleasure!

Just a note; not a big fan of Dr. Oz. Was only looking for diet ideas.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Great Grains or Peanut Butter Cheerios on Fruit Crisp

Here's the original Fruit Crisp recipe I started with, from Better Homes and Gardens, New Cookbook, Prize Winning Recipes
Choose-a-Fruit Crisp

5 cups sliced, peeled apples, pears, peaches, or apricots; or frozen unsweetened peach slices
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/2 cup regular rolled oats
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg, ginger, or cinnamon
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup chopped nuts or coconut
1. For filling, thaw fruit, if frozen. Do not drain. Place fruit in an ungreased 2-quart square baking dish. Stir in the granulated sugar.
2. For topping, in a mixing bowl combine oats; brown sugar; flour; and nutmeg, ginger, or cinnamon. 3. With a pastry blender, cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in nuts or coconut. Sprinkle topping over filling.
4. Bake in a 375 degree F oven for 30 to 35 minutes (40 minutes for thawed fruit) or until fruit is tender and topping is golden. If desired, serve warm with ice cream or light cream.

My 1st version with 2 Cups of Great Grains, raisins, dates pecans for the oatmeal,-dates-pecans/
6 apples, peeled and sliced thin and even size
2 Cups Great Grains, raisins, dates, pecans
1 stick unsalted butter, softened
1/4 Cup brown sugar, packed
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
4 Tablespoons sugar
1. Take out stick of butter, let it sit to soften in a mixing bowl
2. Peel and slice apples, put in bowl with water and a squirt of lemon juice to keep from browning
3. Add 2 cups Great Grains raisins, dates and pecans, nutmeg, cinnamon, brown sugar, flour in bowl with butter. Cut butter into mixture with knife or fork, into pebble size pieces.
4. Drain apples and place in 9 inch pie plate
5. Add 4 tablespoons of sugar, and vanilla to apples. Toss until evenly coated
6. Spoon on crumb mixture evenly over apples
7. Bake 40 minutes, 375 oven

My 2nd version with 1 Cup of Peanut Butter Cheerios and 1 Cup of Great Grains, raisins, dates, and pecans, for oatmeal.

6 apples, peeled and sliced thin and even size
1 Cup Peanut Butter Cheerios
1 Cup Great Grains, raisins, dates, pecans
1 stick unsalted butter, softened
1/4 Cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 Cup flour
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
4 Tablespoons sugar


1. Take out stick of butter, let it sit to soften in a mixing bowl
2. Peel and slice apples, put in bowl with water and a squirt of lemon juice to keep from browning
3. Take 1 cup of Peanut Butter Cheerios, place in food processor or chopper. Chop Cheerios into little pebble size pieces
4. Place in bowl with butter
5. Add 1 cup Great Grains raisins, dates and pecans, nutmeg, cinnamon, brown sugar, flour in bowl with butter. Cut butter into mixture, pebble size pieces.
6. Drain apples and place in 9 inch pie plate
7. Add 4 tablespoons of sugar, and vanilla to apples. Toss until evenly coated
8. Spoon on crumb mixture evenly over apples.
9. Bake 40 minutes, 375 oven

History of Diabla Speaking Spanish