Sunday, September 30, 2018

Spaghetti Shower


I was at church. There was social activities after the service. I was really enjoying myself. Suddenly, I remember I promised to make spaghetti for dinner. Don't know why, I snuck out the window. I squeezed through a window to get away.

I get to the house. I feel the need to take a shower.

In my dreams sometimes, there are dorm like bedrooms on a lower level of the house. And separate bathrooms and showers. Because some rooms have bathroom and some don't. Sometimes I like using a different shower, in a different bedroom. Don't know why, that's just how my dreams run.

So I'm looking for my favorite shower, somebody else is using it. I'm running out of time to make spaghetti.

The only shower left, was small and I never seen before, it was out in the open, no walls for privacy. The shower was only big enough for a body. There wasn't much room to move for washing my body. I could feel the shower curtain against my body. It was really uncomfortable and suffocating.

That's where my dream left off. Must have got too uncomfortable, frustrated, and unsatisfied with the shower.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Discharged Isn't a Dirty Word, It's Not a Label

Discharged isn't a dirty word, it's not a label for " Bad Worker". It's not a disease. There's nothing wrong with me.
I'm a good worker. I came in to work every day, I was never late. I enjoyed my work. My job was 40 miles away, or 1 hour drive. I made it through all kinds of weather, road conditions, and car issues. Nothing stopped me from getting to work. I am chief income provider. Family survival is at stake.
I enjoyed my co-workers. I supported my co-workers. I joked with my coworkers. I got along with everyone.
My last role
I set up 1 to 4 work cells with 8 hours of work, for 1st shift assemblers.
First part of my job
I gathered fasteners and other components stored in floor locations, using a hand cart. There were 4 different value streams, sometimes the bill of material and parts would make me go to other locations to find required parts.
I used bins and labels to organize and identify. I audited the locations, labels, and parts before I proceeded to pick the parts to make sure everything was correct. I double counted. I audited my parts as I set the parts in the swim lane and before the end of the shift. 
Second part my job
I organized components of faucets, kitchen, bath, and plumbing accessories, for 1 to 10 jobs, for 1 to 4 work cells. Parts would come to swim lanes, I had to move skids full of parts and match parts with correct bill of materials, in the order on the manifest. Some parts were huge and heavy. Some jobs were small, and I was able to condense jobs on to hand carts. The huge jobs up to 200 pieces of everything, I had to figure out how to move with hand truck, and arrange for easy access, in a very small space or swim lane. Sometimes one cell had 14 jobs, and I had 3 other cells to prep as well.
I went home satisfied with my work. I liked the satisfaction of everything coming together.

I did my work the best to my ability, despite the constant changes to the processes, and rearranging of work cells, part locations, and swim lanes. Lots of mistakes were being made, by everyone, not just me. 
My assembly role
I was sort of slow at some assembly because, I was making sure the faucets or products were working, inspecting the final aesthetics and audited the packing making sure everything was in the carton per instructions. I didn't have many finished goods audit failures while assembling.
My first 3 years on 2nd shift, I worked without a team leader. I stayed in my cell working. Sometimes I would be so engrossed in my job I would be in a daze. I would take a walk to the restroom, it was a long walk to the restroom. That long walk back to the bathroom and interaction with my coworkers, would clear my head. I would go back to my cell to pound out more parts.
I was discharged, but I don't have a problem with performance, it wasn't because of lack of ability, misconduct, unwillingness to work, lack of respect for management, coworkers, or rules. I am not a bad worker. 
Discharged isn't a dirty word, or defines me as a bad worker. I stood my ground. I complied to rules and changes. I did my work. I was able to work in 3 different value streams, many different cells, and assemble different parts while on 2nd shift. I went home satisfied with my work.
I need the understanding from a new employer as when I first started at my last employer. I was trained in and was allowed to grow. 
My new employer needs to know I'm not a bad worker. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Bracelets Embrace New Venture

I have been inspired by Etsy
And Cissy Beads on Instagram.

I think I have artistic ability. I went out to buy beads, and findings, stuff you need to make bracelets.

I have been exploring, experimenting, trying to get accomplished.

This is my first creation. I'm taking it on a test drive to see if it breaks or anyone noticed it.

I am unemployed and I have this crazy idea to sell bracelets on Etsy??? 😜

Tucker's review

My order

Meal deal #6
Tucker Topper
Seasoned french fries
Crispy onion rings

Burger was smaller than the picture shows. The lettuce and sauce was messy. The hamburger was good.

Onion rings and seasoned french fries were good.

I had the Tucker Twist Oreo frozen ice cream treat.  Equivalent of Dairy Queen blizzard.

I was there around 11:00 am, it was kind of empty. I had nice quiet, relaxed lunch. When I left, the lunch crowd was coming through the drive up window.

I paid $17 for my lunch.


444 W Johnson St, Fond du Lac, WI 54935

Job Hunt takes me to Fond du Lac

09/25/2018 , I went to Fond du Lac, because that's where Adecco Staffing has an office. Adecco Milwaukee doesn't serve West Bend anymore.

I just might get my foot in the door at a company near me.

Here is Lake Winnebago, large inland lake in my state.

Monday, September 24, 2018

I win!

I win!

I sent an explanation like this to unemployment.

I was in trouble for performance since January 2017. I had reviews every 30 days. I received verbal and written warnings.

I changed my job from assembly 1st shift, to material handler 2nd shift September 2017, hoping it would save me and be better for me.

I thought I was doing okay until August 9, 2018, I received final warning. My team leader had a file full of my mistakes, l wasn't aware of.

My husband of 25 years, died February 2018. Some days at work I cried. Also I was being verbally abused by a co-worker, and team leader. I reported it to an HR associate. Nothing changed.

I was working under grief. Since August 9, working under pressure of making a mistake and being fired. I was worried about every move I made. I was scared to work, felt beat down.

I did pay attention to details. I double counted parts. I audited my carts and skids, made sure every part and everything was in order. I did try to change to a different way. And I tried to find a better position in the company, but my final warning didn't help me look favorable, and no position suitable for me.

When I changed to 2nd shift material handler, managers and engineers were constantly rearranging, reorganizing, changing the way they do things and it got confusing, people make mistakes some people got written up for the mistakes and some don't.

The union still mad at me for not going on strike 2015, the union may have pushed management to punish me, and get me fired. I couldn't trust my co-workers to audit my work, some still expressed negative opinions to my face about being a scab.

I stayed working, I did all my work. I double checked my work. I came in every day and on time. I went home satisfied with my work every night.

I was working under fear, stress, and sorrow since February 10.


The employee did not voluntarily terminate her employment. The employee’s discharge was not from misconduct or substantial fault connected to her employment.

Although the employer may have made a reasonable business decision, there is no indication that the employee acted with any willful or substantial disregard of the employer’s interest, she was working to the best of her ability.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Is there a best time to call HR?

I did some research, this is from an article from The Bagg Group 
"The best times to call are first thing in the morning, between 8 am. and 9 am and end-of-day between 4 pm and 5 pm."

I called a potential employer, between 8 and 9 am. During my call, I received 2 calls from other potential employers. 👍

Sunday, September 9, 2018

I told my daughter the trouble I'm in

This is her reply 😭

The Lord is your strength mom. Commit everything to God because he has reason for everything. He has never planned failure for anybody but rather surprises the person at the end.

Because she make me so proud and happy. I show the world. 😂😇

History of Diabla Speaking Spanish