Sunday, September 30, 2018

Spaghetti Shower


I was at church. There was social activities after the service. I was really enjoying myself. Suddenly, I remember I promised to make spaghetti for dinner. Don't know why, I snuck out the window. I squeezed through a window to get away.

I get to the house. I feel the need to take a shower.

In my dreams sometimes, there are dorm like bedrooms on a lower level of the house. And separate bathrooms and showers. Because some rooms have bathroom and some don't. Sometimes I like using a different shower, in a different bedroom. Don't know why, that's just how my dreams run.

So I'm looking for my favorite shower, somebody else is using it. I'm running out of time to make spaghetti.

The only shower left, was small and I never seen before, it was out in the open, no walls for privacy. The shower was only big enough for a body. There wasn't much room to move for washing my body. I could feel the shower curtain against my body. It was really uncomfortable and suffocating.

That's where my dream left off. Must have got too uncomfortable, frustrated, and unsatisfied with the shower.

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