Monday, June 25, 2012

Don’t go to to search for jobs.

Don’t go to to search for jobs.

They sell your phone number to telemarketers.
After I signed up I started to receive phone calls from out of my area. I did not answer, but I googled the numbers to see if others reported these numbers too. There are complaints of these numbers and after signing up with
There is no way to log out from this site or delete the profile. I get automatic job alerts but I can't tailor the alerts. The calls have stopped since I wrote this post.

I changed my name on the profile to Cow Dung. Now my job alert says "Cow, GO HERE to view available employment positions listed on FindTheRightJob." And I changed the phone number to one of their telemarketers.

I have been getting email alert every since I signed up. I received some interesting job search tips, but the links don't work. And there is no blog on the site. No way to share the info.
The jobs are sort of junk jobs. I don't think they are real jobs.

They claim to be on Facebook and Twitter. I have not checked that out yet. I am not on Facebook and not interested.

I checked the phone numbers I get calls from. I found complaints that others recieved the same calls after signing up with findtherightjob

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