Wednesday, May 7, 2014

All the Birds in My Backyard Trees

The trees in the backyard, right in front of my bedroom window; there is a bird soap opera, "The Birds in My Backyard Trees".
I call one robin "Crazy", he likes to sit on the window ledges, on lower the level, and make love to his mirror image on the window. Or might be trying to chase that robin in the window away. He always chases visiting robins away.
Mrs. Robin waits for me on her usual branch to come for a visit. She comes when I call, wakes me up, and alerts me to strangers visiting.
Recently Mr. Robin has been coming when I call.
I finally figured out Mr. and Mrs. Robin are mates. Mr. Robin is "Crazy".

Mr. Most Beautiful the cardinal, likes showing off his bright red plumage. He's the brightest cardinal I ever seen. He doesn't like sharing the limelight with other male cardinals.
One day watched him chase another male all over the neighborhood in back. I asked them are you still at it? Aren't you tired yet?
I'm still not to sure what is really going on between the 2 male cardinals. Maybe Mr. Most Beautiful was mentoring. I saw the cardinal that was being chased still hanging around, without being chased.

2 Cedar Blackwings came to visit. I have never seen these birds around before. They were beautiful and cute. I thought they were kissing each other. But I learned they pass berries to each other.
Mrs. Robin was curious about them, and just let them be. I was really surprised, no alarm or chasing away. She sat on a branch facing them watching them.

There is Mr. and Mrs. Mourning Dove, Yellow and Purple Finch family, Sparrow gang, Blackbird gang, Catbirds, Chickadees, and 1 Bluejay.

There used to be a squirrel that climbed up to a branch that came right up to my window.

Of course I feed the birds; I save my crusts, crumbs, and seeds for the birds. The birds come when I open the window and start singing with them.

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