Sunday, July 29, 2018

Dreams, "Why don't I get see John? "

My husband died.

I have seen my husband in my dreams after I complain to God. I say, "Why don't I get see John? " It's happened 2 times so far.

I'm sort of angry at God for taking my husband. We had a lot of unfinished business here on earth. My husband didn't have instructions in case he should die. There were no real instructions in the will. But that's not this is about.

One day, I was yelling at him and yelling at God. I was crying and yelling out loud. Why, What do I do, How do I do it?  This was before I went to the funeral.

That night, I dreamed of my husband coming to me. He was hugging, kissing, and comforting me. We lay down together. He said, Tell me how much you are owing. He told me, I'm going to be debt free. I said that's impossible. We're always owing on something. He told me I was going to be debt free, but didn't tell me how. That's where my dream left off.

The next dream

I complained to God, I said, "Why don't I get see John? "

You think after spending 25 years together and after all trials and tribulations, I would see my husband in my dreams often to lessen the pain.

I'm going to freak you out.

I dreamed of my husband coming to bed, like he always did. I heard the noises that he makes, and I swear I opened my eyes to see what was happening. I saw a figure in the dark, sure looked him, and his body. I was so comforted by knowing my husband was there, I didn't get to the part where he laid down.

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