Saturday, May 16, 2020

History of Diabla Speaking Spanish

I learned Spanish in high school. I never really got to utilize my Spanish. I did keep practicing. I kept the Spanish I knew stored in my brain, so I would be ready for the opportunity to use my Spanish. 

Between 1982 and 2009, I never really got to utilize my Spanish. 

While I was unemployed 2009 to 2012, I tried to find ways to improve my Spanish.

I found SpanishDict, it's a website that translates and educates. I get Spanish word of the day emailed to me daily. I explore a lesson, or brush up on pronunciations and meanings of the words I do know. 

I got this crazy idea to go to a Spanish speaking chatroom, to learn every day Spanish, and chat or text in Spanish. That's where I learned some dirty words that you wouldn't in elementary school.That helped me learn to joke around in Spanish.

I learned some shortcuts for some Spanish words: 

ace = hace 
pork = porque

Took me awhile to get what pork was until I sounded it out over and over. It hit me, oh yeah, porque! 

Then I attended fundraisers for the Hispanic Education Center in my town. I also attended Hispanic community events at my church. I was able to practice Spanish. I learned I know lots of words, phrases, questions and answers, better than I thought.  

I had the hopes to volunteer to read to children at the learning center to improve my Spanish. That never happened because I found a full-time job. 

2014, I became a full-time employee of Kohler Company. My trainer was a Hispanic girl. I took a big , let my trainer know I understand some Spanish. We hit it off. We become good friends. She's still my friend. 

During the 6 years at Kohler Company other Spanish speaking people came. Most of them girls. They knew each other, some related to each other. I called these girls, Diablas.  My word for divas, or troublemakers. (Diabla is devil in Spanish) It was my pet name for these girls. I knew when these girls get together and start talking, they are talking naughty things. (None of your business things.) 

This is how I called my friends Diabla Numero Uno, dos, tres, and so on, the order I met each person. This is how I earned my nickname Diabla.   

One lady was protesting against the Spanish speaking workers for speaking Spanish. I protested back. I said if they're speaking Spanish it's a private conversation, none of your business. 

I get to practice Spanish at my current job. I recently started working with a guy that speaks Spanish. I took a stab at speaking Spanish to him. He liked that. We become good friends since. 

He liked it when I learned the word for "lazy" in Spanish is "vago". Some days my friend would call out to me, to call me vaga (lazy). Some days we exchange "vago" all day. Until the team leader stopped us. "No yelling across the room!" (Team leader don't like funny or fun😠)

It's fun speaking Spanish at work. Some people don't like us, they think we're talking about them.

I am not fluent and I'm not good in conversation. I do know lots of words, phrases, questions and answers. I know how to be friendly, flirt, funny, and cause trouble in Spanish. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

2020 Year of the Toilet Paper Crisis, Toilet Paper Gallery

This is a character I created using my Picsart editing app. I called it Toilet Paper Hoarder. 

This Is My Friend

My friend quit at my job. He was my tech and lead. He was essential to me, a part of my every day at work. He fixed my machine and was very respectful. I also had fun working with him.

When my friend quit, I felt a big loss, empty without my friend.

So I took a risk, I asked him to be my friend on Facebook. He accepted. From then on we carry on like we're still coworkers. Joking around, play games, and discussing life.

I tell my friend all the things that happened to me at work. He gives me advice and encouragement.

I had a performance review, it was a good review but...

I was blamed for some quality issues.

I was also passed over for a raise.

I told my friend everything that was going on.

One night I was feeling really down about my job, didn't feel going to work anymore. An idea popped into my head. Maybe I should find another job?

I get home from work to find a message from my friend...

"Hey if your looking for a job like KMC . I work at a new job being a robot operator and they have all the machines that kmc has and more....... they are hiring for all shifts 1, 2, and 3rd...... check out WI STAMPING ....... great environment, fun people"

It was like he heard me thinking. I wonder if he sent the message the same time I thought about looking for a better job? (He used to show up out of nowhere when we worked together, just when I needed him to fix my machine, just when I thought about asking him.)

I applied to the company my friend recommended. I had a phone interview. I told my friend about the interview.

His response..

"I’m gonna bring it up to them on Monday about your interview"

I thought my friend would forget what he said he would do.


"I talked to my boss, he said he wasn’t convinced but I changed his mind and told him that I wouldn’t put my neck out there for someone that I know wouldn’t work. I told him your a hard worker and that you always hit your numbers and everything so when this virus gets contained somewhat then he’s gonna call u so hang in there at AAA."

Now if this virus would just go away, so can see what happens next. 

I can't believe my friend did something so nice for me. My friend gave his boss a personal recommendation for me.

I work hard at my current job and I deserve to be paid better. My friend is an actual witness to my work ethics and character.

This relationship is working in mysterious ways. Like my friend was meant to be in my life.

History of Diabla Speaking Spanish