Sunday, June 10, 2018

Bible, song by Ghost

Bible, song and lyrics by Ghost

The Earth was spinning all vacant and waste
And there was silence over the ocean
When a voice came thundering from above
The first day of light was in motion
And then the voice said may fruits be created
And seeds take root as they may
And no crimes were as yet committed.                                        
Life was breathing its second dayman
In his image this voice made a 
And a woman to love each other
They became the rulers of the world
And the third day was their mother
Now who will pray for Babylon
Sing a song to Babylon
On your knees before Babylon
Beat that drum because Babylon is falling
Man and woman learned how to make fire
And the kingdom's walls were extended
By the fourth day the walls were reaching so far
No one knew where they ended
Now no one heard that voice anymore
And metal cities came to ascend
On the fifth day spring turned into fall
And a rain fell over the land
But no walls can stop such a rain
That keeps falling forevermore
I was told that by the sixth day
The Earth was like an open sore
Now who will pray for Babylon
Sing a song to Babylon
On your knees before Babylon
Beat that drum because Babylon is falling
The Earth was spinning all vacant and a waste
And there was silence over the oceans
When a voice came thundering from above 
The seventh day was in motion
Now who will pray for Babylon
Sing a song to Babylon
On your knees before Babylon
Beat that drum because Babylon is falling
I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created, and with them the animals
The birds and the creatures that move along the ground, for I regret that I have made them.

School Bus Bullies- What My Dad Did About It

My dad did something great.

He became our school bus driver. He did it all because of an incident on our school bus, when my family was living by Lake Bernice.

One day, just before our stop, a bunch of kids attacked, my sister, brother, and I. They ripped buttons of our jackets, pulled our hair, bashed our lunchboxes, put sand in my sister's hair. I can't remember everything, all I know we left the bus crying and screaming. The bus driver didn't do anything to help.

I don't know why these kids attacked. Most of the kids came to play in our yard. And makes me wonder about the high school kids that were on the bus. Why they didn't step in?

I do know, what didn't realize then was, that's the reason why my dad started to drive bus. It also helped when my mom wasn't home right after school. We would ride along.

My dad became a substitute driver, when we moved into town, we didn't need a school bus anymore. I'm sure some of you had my dad drive your school bus at least once.

As for Africa

I couldn't find the words. I've only been to Nigeria 3 times. I've met other Africans.

Here's another quote, it says how I feel.

Anthony Bourdain:

As for Africa, Bourdain declared the continent, "one of the best arguments for travel I can think of," and lauded its ability to exist as a "functioning multicultural, multilingual, extraordinarily TOLERANT society ... It's someplace that everyone, given the chance, should go."

Americans love Mexican food ...

A quote from  Anthony Bourdain:
He also clapped back at the country's growing anti-immigrant, especially anti-Mexican, sentiment. On his blog in 2014, Bourdain noted that, "Americans love Mexican food ... Despite our ridiculously hypocritical attitudes towards immigration, we demand that Mexicans cook a large percentage of the food we eat, grow the ingredients we need to make that food, clean our houses, mow our lawns, wash our dishes, look after our children. As any chef will tell you, our entire service economy—the restaurant business as we know it—in most American cities, would collapse overnight without Mexican workers." 

Taken from NPR article

History of Diabla Speaking Spanish