Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Break time, Just for Me

My first long time job, I worked on an assembly line, making leather products, like handbags and wallets.

At the head of the assembly line was the gluing machine, it was the brake and gas pedal of the assembly line.

One day, I was gluing. I was very busy keeping the line going, and very entranced with the urge to pee. 

It was close to break, but I really had to go to the bathroom. I would get in trouble leaving the assembly line too early.

There were several different times for break, for 3 different floors, so people could fit in the lunchroom. 

The first signal for break sounded. I took off like it was our break time. 

I run to the bathroom. I come out thinking it's break time. I strolled casually around, talking to my coworkers on my way to the water fountain to refill my water bottle. 

Suddenly, I noticed everyone I talked to was still working. I finally realized it wasn't my break time.

I slowly crept back to the assembly line like nothing happened.

My coworkers on the assembly line, thought I was giving them a chance to get caught up. They were happy I left. But they knew something was up, when I didn't come back right away from the bathroom.

Then the signal for my department went off, I went on my real break.

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