Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dream, Grocery shopping and talking to my husband

In this dream, I was grocery shopping. I was in the frozen food section I had a cart full of food.

I realized I know where the hole is on my air mattress at home.  Then I find myself at home trying to fix my air mattress, that has a hole.

In this dream I was trying to figure out if I completed the grocery shopping?

While I was in the my bedroom fixing the air mattress, I was talking to my husband on the phone. Why was I talking to my husband on the phone when I was in the house? Or was he at work? I didn't get it.

My husband was asking me, why I wasn't home from grocery shopping yet. I was already home. He was asking why all these envelopes with Express were from and all over the place. Those envelopes were from my job. Like my husband just come back into my life.

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