Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Lucky Day, Playing Hooky

2010, I was still job hunting from the recession. It was St. Patrick's Day, I decided to play hooky from job hunting. I decided I was going take a risk, dare myself to do something different and fun by myself.

I drove down to Milwaukee, to the Potowanami Casino. The highway was challenging. I really couldn't afford to gamble, rent was due. But I figured out I could make it work.

I did really good. I played all the money I came with. I decided to play all the 1 dollar bills out my winnings. 

Then I took another gamble, I withdrew more money from my account. I played all the that money. I needed to recover enough money to replace what I gambled.

I played one 5.00 bill, one final play. I tried to find a slot machine that was all alone, not many people around. I ended up winning all my money back and 100.00 extra.

I was able to splurge on eating at one of the casino restaurants.

I discovered it is okay to have a good time alone. 

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