Monday, December 31, 2018

Potatoe Chips

My New Year's resolution was to stop eating potatoe chips. But I already broke it. There was a deal on at the grocery store, if you buy 5 save some πŸ’°. I broke down. I bought 5.

I bought Cape Cod brand, kettle cooked potatoe chips. I haven't had Cape Cod brand for a long time. I saw something I wanted to try, Dark Russet potatoes chips.

Guess what, they are potatoe chips I normally throw away. I don't like the dark chips. I think they are imperfect. I really don't like the taste.

Here's a whole bag of dark chips. Somebody must like these.

I was ready to toss the bag to the birdies in my backyard.

I tried the chips again, now I liked it. But I won't buy it again.

Good thing I didn't buy all 5 of the same type and flavor. Each one is different.

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