Friday, December 21, 2018

1,000 boxes of bags

New guy in the office.

He was responsible for placing orders and putting tickets in the window so that pickers, can pick the order. Orders would come from a work cell,  material handler, or team leader, etc.

There were these foam bags. 1 box holds 1,000 or more, depending on the size of the bag.

When someone places an order, we put the quantity in the box, so we could get the whole box.

The first night, for the new guy in the office. When an order for 1,000 foam bags came in, he came running out to me at my cell, because I ordered it.

He was really excited, he asked me to verify the quantity and why I ordered it that way.

I told him I need the whole box.

Here he thought, he had to find 1,000 boxes of bags. He was freaking out about how he was going to get 1,000 boxes of bags, and where to put them.

I have ordered for 1 bag, and received 1 bag. So, it was good to order 1,000 or the quantity of the box, to let them know you need 1 full box. It's better to get 1 full box so that you have enough for a job and for others to use.

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