Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Extreme Commuting

There have been some discussions and news reports of long distance commutes to jobs.

I did have an opportunity where the job commute would be at least an hour. It was a great job, 60-70 hours a week.

 It would have been sorting just like I have been doing.

Then I think of the what ifs?

What about winter, the snowstorms and winter driving. I could end up hours late or missing lots of days.

I hate the thought of ruiningg my good work attendance record. I only missed one day and 5 minutes late another in 4 years.

My community's mass transit is not available at all hours.

Risking my safety and losing my car to a wreck. Making my family worry about me getting home. I don't think it's worth it.

If I were single where I could just move or had mass transit available where just hop on, I would take the risk.

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