Monday, April 23, 2012

Walking on a treadmill while working.

NBC Nightly News had a story about walking on a treadmill while at your desk.
I hate to admit it I don't think I could do it. I would not be able to concentrate on work.

When I take a walk, I am walking to get away from work and life for awhile. I walk to empty my mind of worries and thoughts. When I walk I concentrate on walking and enjoying nature.

I can work and walk while at a factory job but it's not both at the same time. It's walking to and from 2 machines or walking to help others work and back and forth to my machines.

I would not be able to assemble,apply glue, align things, or push buttons while walking. I have to concentrate on performance and quality.

I did have a problem with walking while working when I was supposed to stay in one  place.

When I was learning how to attach linings while parts were moving  down the assembly line. I would travel with the parts and run out of room to work . Many times I would have no idea I was moving with the parts until I run into the person operating the folding machine. I ran into the risk of burning myself and getting clobbered with the folding bar. I learned how to be an expert lining postioner eventually.

I have no problem standing a long time. And some work is best done standing not sitting.

Stooping and bending is not good for the back and should be limited. I always try to find a way to bring the work to comfortable level to prevent too much bending and stooping.

I have helped others to find their comfort zone while working so they can keep working comfortably for 8 hours. I keep in mind we have to make it through 8-10 hours of work. And we have to come back and do it all week.

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