Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Backyard Circus

These are the birds and animals that visit my backyard every day: robins, chickadees, sparrows, cardinals, mourning doves, yellow and purple finches, a squirrel and a cat.

I think I heard raccoons visiting at night.

So far this spring, I have 4 chickadees, 1 robin, gang of sparrows, 1 cardinal couple, 1 mourning dove couple, a gang of yellow finches, and geese in the field out yonder.
I mentioned the geese, they make the worst neighbors, making way too much noise.

I know groups of birds are called flocks, but the sparrows and yellow finches are more like gangs. They come in big groups and do cause trouble.


The robin is jealous of all the other birds. Robin was fighting off the sparrows for the bread crumbs and seeds I dropped for all the birds. Not just him. I yell at him.

Last year the robin was jealous of another robin from different yard coming for a snack, chased him back to his own yard.

I try to imitate all the birds songs. The robin doesn't like it when I sing the other bird's songs, it squawks and tries to sing louder or flies away.

Yellow Finches

The yellow finches are characters. There was one who comes right up to the window. The tree right in front of my window had a branch that reached right in front of my window.

One Saturday I was being lazy in getting up a yellow finch hit my window like he was telling me to get up. I looked out I saw all backyard visitors that come to visit were all there, including a squirrel and a rabbit.

One day I opened the window I caught one yellow finch hanging upside down on that branch in front of my window. I think he was trying to hide from me, waiting for me to drop food.
I believe it was the same bird each incident. I swear that bird had a silly look on his face and was playing with me.
That branch was cut down, so the birds lost their closest perch to the window.


The chickadees I think is one set is a couple and they like to come close. I think they are feeding chicks.

The cat

But I have to watch out when I drop food. The other visitor is the farm cat. He learned when I drop food. He learned to listen and time me for to my window open. He would be there. The cat would eat up all the bread crumbs. He is no picky eater.

I have not seen the squirrel yet and rabbit for long time.
The squirrel did climb right up that branch last year. I wonder if the cat got the rabbit.

The tree where it all happens.

The squirrel is back, came for a visit and came up the branch that leads to my window.
I feel like Charolette's Web. Don't need tv; I have free entertainment right outside my window.

I have discovered a new bird. I believe they are catbirds. I tried counting them. I thought there was only one couple. I believe there are at least 6 catbirds.


One couple. I dropped a cheeto out there. The male cardinal was the only bird to snatch it up. I said the Mrs is going to be happy with him.

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