Monday, April 30, 2012

My eating habits

I have been eating mostly fresh produce and homemade food.

The only real processed food I eat is bread, pasta, and cereal.

No juice or soda, I drink real orange juice,which contains only juice concentrate and water, no added sugar.

Unsalted butter, no sugar on my cereal or sugary cereals.

Now when I do splurge on foods, like sugary cereals, soda, cookies and pizza. It just isn't tasty or pleasing as fresh and homemade.”  

I go right back to eating the way I was, fast!

Soup Diet

I was about to try a soup diet like I see on commercials. Chunky or Progresso. I checked out the nutrition on each; I found both were high in calorie salt.

 Doesn't sound like a healthy diet for me.

The one I chose Campbell's Select Harvest Light Maryland Style Crab Soup just to try something different not to start a diet.

Sodium 650mg!

LinkedIn Names and Photos

LinkedIn Q&A community keep pointing out to those who ask questions about the name and photo they use on their profile. That the name or photo doesn’t comply with LinkedIn rules.

When I first saw the name issue, I tested it. The LinkedIn member was using a company name for the name. I dropped the name in the search engine under “people” the profile did not come up.

The last 2 times the issue was brought up, one LinkedIn member was using company name and the other was using symbols along with the name.

I tested these 2 names. The profiles were searchable.

In my opinion LinkedIn must have changed since the first time I tested.

I have heard from other LinkedIn Q&A community that LinkedIn members who do not use proper names and photos have had their account suspended.

I have questioned some of my connections; some are not using or have different photos. Some have company names for names. I have not received any negative feedback from my connection.

And if LinkedIn really is cracking down I would be missing some connections. I am not going to report them. Many of my connections have explained why and what they did with their profile. It’s all fine with me.


There are many night-lights in my room.

In the winter one night-light is the ski hill, they are on all night up til midnight. Sometimes they are bright enough to light my way to the bathroom and kitchen. Sometimes on all night when they are making snow. Spring is a welcome relief. No more ski hill lights for several months.

Then the technical college lights, they don't turn off until about 11:30. Weekends are a blessing because those bright lights are off all weekend. The only blessing there is from them is when the power goes out at night or during a snowstorm it is the only light in the area.

Then there is the converter box for the TV. The green light really shines when all lights are off. That way I know I forgot to turn it off.

The street lights are one of the other ways I know the power is out in my neighborhood. I can tell by the shadows on my wall.

Then the freakiest light is my cellphone.

I usually forget to change it from silent or vibrate after job center hours. And I have it programmed to turn on and off. After I go to lay down and finally at rest. The world and worries and the phone are distant in my mind. All is dark except for the street lights. Suddenly this strange light appears on the ceiling. I say what heck is that! I look at the time and say oh yeah that's what.

I prefer the best night lights; the sunset, the moon, stars, northern lights, and maybe a meteor show.

In My Dreams

My backyard circus is affecting my dreams. I had 3 dreams where I look from my bed out the window to see birds looking at me and squawking to wake me up.

The last dream I had, was 2 squirrels sitting on the that branch on top of each other.

I notice there are now 2 squirrels visiting me in that tree, one is older and the other is younger. I believe it is mom and child.

I believe the dream was confirming my suspicion.

I need a job so I don't have to spend so much time looking out my window for entertainment. I don't have money to go anywhere. And it's not good walking weather yet.

At least I learning something. I try to be like the birds keep singing and stop worrying even when the weather is bad.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Apple of my Omelet

Took the next big step.

From really thin julienned apple to bigger slices.
I was trying really thin julienned apple to get used to the idea of apple in my omelets.

2 sweet mini peppers sliced in rings
1 quarter of onions sliced thin
1 quarter of apple sliced thin
3 eggs
1/4 C shredded cheese

  1. Sauté all in unsalted butter until limp
  2. Whisk 3 eggs until frothy
  3. Pour into sautéed vegetables
  4. Let eggs set
  5. Flip over Add shredded cheese
  6. Fold one side over cheese and plate it
  7. Top with shredded cheese

Try it!

“TIME” Training Individuals for Manufacturing Employment

Mid level skilled manufacturing production worker and machine operator with extensive plastic goods, fasteners, inspector, machine operator, and assembler experience.

Your organization could get reimbursed for hiring and training me. (Manufacturing, full time, Wisconsin only)

Workforce Development program called “TIME”

Training Individuals for Manufacturing Employment

Interested in advancing in Plastics or Fasteners production work or inspection

View Jodine L. Ibeme's LinkedIn profileView Jodine L. Ibeme's profile

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dear Gmail

I don’t like the new gmail. I don’t work with the computer I use every day.

I have contacted Google each time, that the new look dosen’t work for the computer I am using. I can’t read my email, the scroll doesn’t work.

I could switch to a different computer. All the computers are controlled by the job center and I can’t change the settings. The center won’t change the settings.

I could go to library, but there I can’t use my phone for job interviews and there is a time limit. At the job center I can stay as long as the job center is open.

Please let me have the choice to revert to the old look when I am at the job center, Please!

Never mind I just discovered a solution. I never tried this before. I was afraid to try. I tried the "open email in a new window". Now I can navigate just fine.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Walking on a treadmill while working.

NBC Nightly News had a story about walking on a treadmill while at your desk.
I hate to admit it I don't think I could do it. I would not be able to concentrate on work.

When I take a walk, I am walking to get away from work and life for awhile. I walk to empty my mind of worries and thoughts. When I walk I concentrate on walking and enjoying nature.

I can work and walk while at a factory job but it's not both at the same time. It's walking to and from 2 machines or walking to help others work and back and forth to my machines.

I would not be able to assemble,apply glue, align things, or push buttons while walking. I have to concentrate on performance and quality.

I did have a problem with walking while working when I was supposed to stay in one  place.

When I was learning how to attach linings while parts were moving  down the assembly line. I would travel with the parts and run out of room to work . Many times I would have no idea I was moving with the parts until I run into the person operating the folding machine. I ran into the risk of burning myself and getting clobbered with the folding bar. I learned how to be an expert lining postioner eventually.

I have no problem standing a long time. And some work is best done standing not sitting.

Stooping and bending is not good for the back and should be limited. I always try to find a way to bring the work to comfortable level to prevent too much bending and stooping.

I have helped others to find their comfort zone while working so they can keep working comfortably for 8 hours. I keep in mind we have to make it through 8-10 hours of work. And we have to come back and do it all week.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

See how actions affect others

See how actions affect others

4 months ago I found the washers and dryers unplugged. I found out one dryer was out of order after plugging everything back in. My landlord fixed the problem and told me someone stole the money.

Now I have to pay 1.25 per load, washer and dryer, or go through the hassle of carrying loads of laundry down the stairs and loading up the car to go to a laundry mat to wash clothes. 

I have to pay for someone else’s crime.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Hello Cow, Would you like to double your income and triple your time off?

Would you like to do what you love to do every day of the week?

For the 1st time, a team of millionaires are showing you a proven step by step system to living your dreams.

For a limited time, they're giving our members this system absolutely free.

Click here to grab it because this is a limited time offer. (a $97 value - FREE for YOU, Cow!)

Sincerely, The FindTheRightJob Team P.S. Over 118,173 individuals worldwide have used this system to change their life.

Click here now.

FindTheRightJob made the links clickable, they weren't working before.

What' up Cow? I changed my name to have a little fun with it. Since I can't delete my account or stop the emails. I have tried.

Resume Writer?

I found 3 major errors on the resume I created. I already made hard copies and sent them to the person.

I spelled one word wrong and there was a wrong phone number on the cover letter and resume.

But the body of the cover letter had the right number.

This person mailed out all the resumes already! Yikes!

Here I am excited to help someone be perfect and hope I help this person be successfull right the first bat.

I did send a rough draft for this person to review it.

Extreme Commuting

There have been some discussions and news reports of long distance commutes to jobs.

I did have an opportunity where the job commute would be at least an hour. It was a great job, 60-70 hours a week.

 It would have been sorting just like I have been doing.

Then I think of the what ifs?

What about winter, the snowstorms and winter driving. I could end up hours late or missing lots of days.

I hate the thought of ruiningg my good work attendance record. I only missed one day and 5 minutes late another in 4 years.

My community's mass transit is not available at all hours.

Risking my safety and losing my car to a wreck. Making my family worry about me getting home. I don't think it's worth it.

If I were single where I could just move or had mass transit available where just hop on, I would take the risk.

Sweet Mini Peppers

I discovered sweet mini pepper, because I wanted pepper taste and more vegetables in my diet. I hate cooked green peppers. I like uncooked better, but the taste stays with me all day and night. And I burp all day too. So Sweet Mini Peppers turned out to be the best solution for me.

Then sweet mini peppers led me to other discoveries

Omelet experiments

  • Melted unsalted butter in sauté pan.
  • Beat 2 eggs in a bowl.
  • Added the meat (ground turkey) to the pan.
  • Poured the egg.
  • Let the eggs set and loosened the sides with a fork or spatula.
(The eggs should be set enough to slide around in the pan.)
  • Vine Sweet Mini PeppersFlipped over the omelet.
  • Added shredded cheese to one side of omelet.
  • Folded over one side over the cheese.
  • Slid the omelet on to a plate and topped with a little shredded cheese.
  • I tried the same with sautéed sweet mini peppers, sliced in thin rings, sautéed until limp in unsaltedbutter, about 2 peppers.
I tried yellow squash then eggplant, julienned really thin and sautéed until limp.
Tried zucchini, eggplant, and sweet yellow onion mixture 

Next experiment

Different cheese a sharp cheddar cheese blend. I was using taco blend or cojack cheese for all previous omelets


I reduced the eggs to 2 because I found it was easier to flip with 2 eggs


I use unsalted butter, so I can have the butter taste without the extra salt.

Another cheese experiment

Tried blue cheese crumbles in my omelets. It's good but I find a little bit is best. Or mixing a little sharp cheddar cheese with the blue cheese.
Tried red onion Red Onion

Another experiment

Added blue cheese crumbles to the sautéing yellow and red onions, just near done.


  1. Added chopped salad greens, about handful.
  2. Waited until leaves were slightly wilted.
  3. Added 2 beaten eggs to the mixture
  4. Flipped and added shredded sharp cheddar cheese.
  5. Folded over and topped with more shredded sharp cheddar cheese.
Then I found this Bacon Blue Brunch on Rantings of an Amateur Chef
This omelet has bacon, apple and blue cheese. I always had the idea of trying apples in my omelet. So I tried it, I julienned apples and sliced onions sautéed together until limp. It was good, it was like I added sweet yellow onions.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Cucumber and Ginger

After my Japanese dinner. I had the taste of ginger and cucumber lingering in my mouth. I was thinking that would make a great margarita flavor and I did discover a recipe.

1. Put four or five peeled slices of cucumber and one small (maybe 1T) chunk of peeled, fresh ginger into a shaker. Muddle.

2. Add 1 shot glass of ginger liqueur, 1 shot glass of tequila, 1 shot glass of lime juice. Sweeten to taste, should you wish.

3. Add crushed ice. Shake.

4. Strain and serve in the glass of your choice. Add a sliver of cucumber or a slice of lime for garnish.

Notre Pain Quotidian ads

Recall process in under way and heating up here in Wisconsin.

This week I noticed political ads on

Falk vs. Walker Tom Barrett is best for Wisconsin women. Equal pay for equal

Higher Taxes, Fewer Jobs Tom Barrett and Kathleen Falk have records of high taxes & lost

Hmm trying to get the unemployed workers' votes?

Ninja Japanese Restaurant

This describes my dinner at Ninja Japanese Restaurant 

I really enjoyed my dinner. I tried many new things: chopsticks, seaweed, seaweed salad, wasabi, and ginger slices. I really liked it.

There was a dab of wasabi on my Lobster Tempura Roll, (very hot!), and ginger slices as garnish on the plate.

Only had one problem, I couldn't understand my server, her Japanese accent was very strong. I think she was trying to tell me about the hibachi chef performing in the other room. I discovered a little late, when I was finished eating and ready to leave. Maybe next time.

Prices a little high, but the quality of food is exceptional. The restaurant was clean, very relaxing, comfortable, beautiful, lots of space and seating.

Seaweed Salad

Lobster Tempura Roll


Rocky Shrimp

Kirin Beer

Thursday, April 12, 2012

pet peeve?


I know I am not perfect. I catch my errors too late many times, even though I use all forms of spell checks, google documents, Microsoft Word, email, Wordpress, and Google Search.

What really gets me is when job descriptions have lots of misspellings? When the company's HR's are the ones who will overlook our resumes because of misspellings.

I just wrote a resume for someone else. I just discovered I misspelled one word. I make 7 copies and sent them to the person. He has no computer access.

I kick myself.

I thought I checked that one word and I didn't.

I always try to write a rough draft, spell check it, then copy and paste it.

Trying to Slim fast

One time I tried Slim-fast. I drank it for breakfast and lunch.

I did this during the work week. I went to work.

What happened to me?

It turned out to be my worst experience with Slim-fast.

I call it starved. I felt like I was starving to death.

I didn't bring any food for lunch or any money. I couldn't buy anything from the vending machine. By the afternoon break I had to run home to get something quick to eat. I couldn't wait another 3 hours. I was so hungry! I couldn't concentrate on work. My co-workers were unable to help me hold out until the end of the day.

That was my last attempt to diet with Slim-fast. I stick to walking and eating more fruits and vegetables.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tornado hit Pumpkin Patch

The Texas tornadoes reminded the CB lingo for Schneider National
Pumpkin or Big Orange for the truck.
Pumpkin Patch for the company terminal.
Pumpkin full-grown Schneider company trucks. Cab-over engine truck

Tornado hit a pumpkin patch and tossed around some pumpkins.

Backyard Circus

These are the birds and animals that visit my backyard every day: robins, chickadees, sparrows, cardinals, mourning doves, yellow and purple finches, a squirrel and a cat.

I think I heard raccoons visiting at night.

So far this spring, I have 4 chickadees, 1 robin, gang of sparrows, 1 cardinal couple, 1 mourning dove couple, a gang of yellow finches, and geese in the field out yonder.
I mentioned the geese, they make the worst neighbors, making way too much noise.

I know groups of birds are called flocks, but the sparrows and yellow finches are more like gangs. They come in big groups and do cause trouble.


The robin is jealous of all the other birds. Robin was fighting off the sparrows for the bread crumbs and seeds I dropped for all the birds. Not just him. I yell at him.

Last year the robin was jealous of another robin from different yard coming for a snack, chased him back to his own yard.

I try to imitate all the birds songs. The robin doesn't like it when I sing the other bird's songs, it squawks and tries to sing louder or flies away.

Yellow Finches

The yellow finches are characters. There was one who comes right up to the window. The tree right in front of my window had a branch that reached right in front of my window.

One Saturday I was being lazy in getting up a yellow finch hit my window like he was telling me to get up. I looked out I saw all backyard visitors that come to visit were all there, including a squirrel and a rabbit.

One day I opened the window I caught one yellow finch hanging upside down on that branch in front of my window. I think he was trying to hide from me, waiting for me to drop food.
I believe it was the same bird each incident. I swear that bird had a silly look on his face and was playing with me.
That branch was cut down, so the birds lost their closest perch to the window.


The chickadees I think is one set is a couple and they like to come close. I think they are feeding chicks.

The cat

But I have to watch out when I drop food. The other visitor is the farm cat. He learned when I drop food. He learned to listen and time me for to my window open. He would be there. The cat would eat up all the bread crumbs. He is no picky eater.

I have not seen the squirrel yet and rabbit for long time.
The squirrel did climb right up that branch last year. I wonder if the cat got the rabbit.

The tree where it all happens.

The squirrel is back, came for a visit and came up the branch that leads to my window.
I feel like Charolette's Web. Don't need tv; I have free entertainment right outside my window.

I have discovered a new bird. I believe they are catbirds. I tried counting them. I thought there was only one couple. I believe there are at least 6 catbirds.


One couple. I dropped a cheeto out there. The male cardinal was the only bird to snatch it up. I said the Mrs is going to be happy with him.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Comments on blogs

Does anyone ever post serious comments? Do people realize no one sees their comments unless I approve them? I have been getting links to sex sites. My other blog is linked to LinkedIn is for serious posts about job search and job experiences. Show some creativity with your comments, if your just looking for jollies of posting comments. Maybe I will consider to approve your comments. Remember the golden rule if you don't have anything nice to say keep it to yourself.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Resume writer?

I created a resume for someone else.
Does this make sense?  I, who am struggling to find a job myself. What do I know?  If I knew what I was doing wouldn't be unemployed. Whatever I am doing isn't working for me.
I know the person and their strengths. I believe that helped me.
I posted the resume on a job site for a test run and started to get results.
Am I discovering a new talent or skill?
I don't know if I can do it for someone I don't know.
How can I find someone else a job and not myself?
I don't know how I will react if this person succeeds!

History of Diabla Speaking Spanish