Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What I have been seeing from job seekers

What I have been seeing from job seekers

Unwillingness to learn how to write a resume and learn to use the computer
Scared to learn how to use a computer
Expect someone to write a resume or find a job for them, (only some agencies can do that).
Come unprepared to write a resume or fill out job applications
Don’t want to fill out online applications
Unwilling to take the time to learn
Make all kinds of excuse why they can’t use or learn how to use a computer

Believe me I have heard it all!

Just like many didn’t pay attention to the instructions for Milwaukee Career Expo. No ticket, no resume and, not dressed. I was told to follow the instruction or I would not be allowed to go in.

Here I am I just sat down and started with a simple instruction on how to copy and paste, from there I learned: basic Microsoft word, computer based research, blog management, some Google Documents, resume writing and more.

I made looking for a job a job and do it with great effort like I would on a job. I look for free ways to learn new skills and I have done it.

I blog to showcase my work skills and experience, keep busy, and learn something new. It helps my creative writing and I create better cover letters and resumes as a result.

Some look at me as if I am crazy and doing nothing about looking for a job. I am , I am filling out job applications, at least 2 per day. I tailor my resume for  each job. I research, companies, network, and polish my profile on LinkedIn.

I don't want just any job I want a job where I can stay for awhile; that's why I signed up for "TIME".  I already have 20+ years of OJT, once you hire me you will find I am a good worker and worthy of training.

I do help out when I am not busy with a resume or application. I also direct people to go their DWD job center for free service and advice.

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