Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Describe the jobs you have held in the past that was most gratifying.

Describe the jobs you have held in the past that was most gratifying.

My first real job, which lasted 10 years; I was given an opportunity to learn many tasks and contribute in many departments.

This is where I learned all my production skills, ethics, to be flexible, adaptable, and contribute to production many ways.

I succeeded in training individuals and multi person assembly line teams. I had no experience or education in training people. I just did it and learned as I go.

I now realize I was given a golden opportunity to work 10 years and gained so much OJT. This makes me valuable for any company.

My first temporary job of 8 months working with plastics; it was gratifying to know I could just walk into a job after 7 years break from work and do the job like I had been doing it for years.

I liked the variety of work and the challenge of working at 2 workstations at the same time, plus helping others at their own workstation.

I was even confident enough to help train new employees in, helped several new employees adapt to job in 1 hour

I proved to have the same ability to be flexible and adaptable as in the past.

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