Friday, May 11, 2012

Flaming Habeneros!

My husband is from another country, which uses habeneros very often in cooking. He did not know habeneros were available in America too. He met other people from his country that brought habeneros and other food stuffs from his country for him to cook with.
So from then on we were making dishes from his country. Pepper Soup with okra.
Our children were very small when my husband started to cook with habeneros.
My husband had a habit when the children showed signs of any illness; I had to head for medicine and give them all medicine to stop the illness in it's tracks.
I was in charge of grinding the habeneros and okra.
I was grinding away, the children were coughing, and sneezing and eyes were tearing. My husband thought they were sick. He said get the medicine. My children ran to hide from taking medicine.
Then he looks at me, I am in the same condition as the children. I look at him his eyes are watering too. We opened the windows to let the fumes out. We quickly recovered.
From then on we prepared habeneros with the windows open, even in the winter when the wind-chill was below zero.
My husband usually preferred 6 habeneros!
Once I made the mistake of using the grinder for fruit smoothie and got habenero taste and flaming effects of 6 habeneros in a fruit smoothie.
I know I could have used another grinder, but I didn’t have that option. And didn’t know what was going to happen to the smoothie.
Grinder tip
I found the easiest and best way to clean out all habeneros residues out of the grinder, is to grind the habeneros first then, okra, onion, or some greens.

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