Friday, May 18, 2012

What I have done these past 4 years.

What I have done these past 4 years.

I managed to keep working, with temporary assignments and part time work.
With these jobs I managed to clean up some debt, pay all bills, keep with rent, car repairs, support a husband, and my children. And have some fun once in awhile.

The only assistance I get is a free phone with free minutes, food stamps, and unemployment. There was a time my unemployment was only $99.00 per week. My current unemployment is $134.00 per week. I am still managing.  I never asked any family or person for assistance.

The phone has really been a lifesaver.

I lived without heat and air conditioning, I only turned on the heat when the windchill was below zero.

I walk to the job center, which is across the street. I can’t afford to drive around town looking for work. I research until I know there is a place to go for a job or when I have an interview.

I learned how to work a computer, the only real instructions I was given, was how to copy and paste and save on a disc and I went from there and learned how to do others things on the computer. I learned to use Microsoft Word, Google Documents, blogs, html, and social media networking.

Nobody knows what I really have accomplished in the past four years. I may look like I am just sitting here and not knowing what I am doing. I may not have job right now, but I am working on it. Sometimes I don’t give myself credit for all I have done. But I really achieved a lot and learned a lot. I made it this far!
I made it this far.

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