Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Backyard Circus II, through the Leaves

Wild turkeys
Wild turkeys live in the woods and come out into the field at least once a day.
This weekend one turkey ventured all the way to the backyard. I have never observed the turkeys coming so far. I also observed turkeys getting caught in a downpour. They do not drown in the rain, like I have heard.

There are now 3 gray squirrels and 1 brown squirrel visiting. I had to stop putting out bird food, they were eating everything.

One special visitor, Baltimore oriole!

The birds are just like cats when you talk on the phone. I have to stand by the window to get a strong signal. The birds think I am talking to them; they all come and start talking back louder. Just like cat meowing louder because they are getting mad you are not paying attention to them. When I am done talking they are all gone.

The chickadees are the only ones that show thanks for the food, they come right to the window as if to show me and thank me.

Soon the birds will be playing hide and seek with me!

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