Thursday, May 31, 2012

Twisted Around

Been singing these 2 songs Go Light Your World and I Need an Angel

Found myself singing

Blow out your candle instead of Hold out your candle


I Need a Rainbow instead of I Need an Angel

(Let me know if you see the Scott Walker Ad on 1 of the links?)

LinkedIn Q&A, the quest for more questions to answer

LinkedIn Q&A, finding more questions to answer

1) I highly recommend connecting with people who regularly participate in Answers, if you want to be a Q&A participant.

When you connect with people who regularly participate in Q&A, you get to see what questions your connections answered.

You will find this on your homepage. It will say "Jane Doe answered 50 questions ", select the + and all the questions will drop down. Be aware some questions are old and closed. I always find out too late sometimes. I didn’t see the date of the question. I get new questions I never seen before this way. It’s a good way to interact with your connections too.

2) Go to the “Answers” section and look for the “Experts”, find “see all my answers”. I find more new questions to answer. And see how the Experts answer questions and if they are behaving.

3) Look for “see all my answers”and “see all my questions” is a way find more questions too. This appears in “Answers” when a member asks or answers questions. Right beside their name.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Go Light Your World

I can't get song out of my head. It was sung beautifully in my church Sunday.

America's Got Talent

Check this out!

This was fantastic and fun to watch on America’s Got Talent, (May 28 episode).

The Distinguished Men of Brass, who organized their brass band after all of them were laid off, were a sight for sore eyes. The gentlemen entertained all while securing themselves a place in Las Vegas.

They are the meaning of America’s Got Talent. We all have some talent but some really don’t have talent like this.

Sure Govenor Walker created jobs last year!

Sure Governor Walker created jobs last year!

Employment Agency Workers
Unemployment Insurance Workers
Resume writers
and Political Analysts

Wait a minute Mr. Postmaster!

Wait a minute Mr. Postmaster!
Don't take away the self-service kiosk at my local post office.

I use it several times a month. I love that I don't have to stand in line to wait for a customer service rep.

And I don't have to face Mr. Crabby Pants. It's a challenge to get customer satisfaction from this guy; even buying stamps is an unpleasant experience. (I have complained.)

My post office always has long lines meaning, very busy and being used; I don't know why you think nobody is using the post office's services.

I am very satisfied with international package services. I have never had a problem, never lost a package yet and cost much less than other delivery companies.

The kiosk is so easy to use! Don't take it away!

Don't take away post my office!

Thursday, May 24, 2012




I repinned this on my Pinterest.

Source: via Jodine on Pinterest

I tried it and I liked it. Bacon chocolate bar

I tried it and I liked it!

Vosges bacon chocolate bars.

I tried the milk chocolate and dark chocolate. I liked the dark chocolate better. The milk chocolate I could taste the bacon bits more, didn’t really like it.

The chocolate is divine!

One of my bars had a promo code for 15% of online purchase. It was like finding a golden ticket in a Wonka bar.

The price was 6.00 a bit high for a chocolate bar, it was worth it for a trial and a good splurge for the week.

I heard so much about this chocolate bar on

 12 Most Delectable Dark Chocolate Bars

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

OH Govenor Walker!

I just witnessed a person who called a UI worker to discuss important issues so they could continue to get UI checks. The worker replied, Sorry I can't, it's 3:30 I am going home.


What I have been seeing from job seekers

What I have been seeing from job seekers

Unwillingness to learn how to write a resume and learn to use the computer
Scared to learn how to use a computer
Expect someone to write a resume or find a job for them, (only some agencies can do that).
Come unprepared to write a resume or fill out job applications
Don’t want to fill out online applications
Unwilling to take the time to learn
Make all kinds of excuse why they can’t use or learn how to use a computer

Believe me I have heard it all!

Just like many didn’t pay attention to the instructions for Milwaukee Career Expo. No ticket, no resume and, not dressed. I was told to follow the instruction or I would not be allowed to go in.

Here I am I just sat down and started with a simple instruction on how to copy and paste, from there I learned: basic Microsoft word, computer based research, blog management, some Google Documents, resume writing and more.

I made looking for a job a job and do it with great effort like I would on a job. I look for free ways to learn new skills and I have done it.

I blog to showcase my work skills and experience, keep busy, and learn something new. It helps my creative writing and I create better cover letters and resumes as a result.

Some look at me as if I am crazy and doing nothing about looking for a job. I am , I am filling out job applications, at least 2 per day. I tailor my resume for  each job. I research, companies, network, and polish my profile on LinkedIn.

I don't want just any job I want a job where I can stay for awhile; that's why I signed up for "TIME".  I already have 20+ years of OJT, once you hire me you will find I am a good worker and worthy of training.

I do help out when I am not busy with a resume or application. I also direct people to go their DWD job center for free service and advice.

Helping others at their own workstations

Press Operator-Plastic Injection Molding 2010, 2008
Inspected, processed, sometimes assemble plastic parts or products
Experienced with extrusion, semi automatic and automatic Plastic Injection molding machines
Operated Gate cutting machines and Plastic ultrasonic welding machine Accomplishments

•Learned new skills and to operate new machines
•Uncovered talent for plastics production work and inspection
•Proved to have the same ability to be flexible and adaptable as in the past
•Succeeded to learn how to work with 2-3 machines
 Applied peer training experience, helped several new employees adapt to job in 1 hour
•Always completed each assignment and great attendance record
•Managed to find work between jobs through Adecco
•Successful in returning to workforce

Some reasons a worker would fall behind and need assistance.

  • The inspection table was separate place and one would have to leave the machine.
  • The grinder was separate from the workstation and the worker had to leave the workstation to use the grinder.
  • The gate cutting machine wasn’t working.

If any of these situations occurred parts would pile up and seem impossible to get caught up.

These situations are when it’s a great time for someone who has the time would step up to help.

I liked helping and did all I could to help. There is a great feeling when someone comes to help. It feels so good to help out and see the person’s relief on their face. Then make them laugh so they get a smile on their face. That always makes the person feel better too.

I stepped up to help train in people so they would adjust quickly and wouldn’t give up. I liked the job and wanted others to like it too.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Describe the jobs you have held in the past that was most gratifying.

Describe the jobs you have held in the past that was most gratifying.

My first real job, which lasted 10 years; I was given an opportunity to learn many tasks and contribute in many departments.

This is where I learned all my production skills, ethics, to be flexible, adaptable, and contribute to production many ways.

I succeeded in training individuals and multi person assembly line teams. I had no experience or education in training people. I just did it and learned as I go.

I now realize I was given a golden opportunity to work 10 years and gained so much OJT. This makes me valuable for any company.

My first temporary job of 8 months working with plastics; it was gratifying to know I could just walk into a job after 7 years break from work and do the job like I had been doing it for years.

I liked the variety of work and the challenge of working at 2 workstations at the same time, plus helping others at their own workstation.

I was even confident enough to help train new employees in, helped several new employees adapt to job in 1 hour

I proved to have the same ability to be flexible and adaptable as in the past.

Friday, May 18, 2012

What I have done these past 4 years.

What I have done these past 4 years.

I managed to keep working, with temporary assignments and part time work.
With these jobs I managed to clean up some debt, pay all bills, keep with rent, car repairs, support a husband, and my children. And have some fun once in awhile.

The only assistance I get is a free phone with free minutes, food stamps, and unemployment. There was a time my unemployment was only $99.00 per week. My current unemployment is $134.00 per week. I am still managing.  I never asked any family or person for assistance.

The phone has really been a lifesaver.

I lived without heat and air conditioning, I only turned on the heat when the windchill was below zero.

I walk to the job center, which is across the street. I can’t afford to drive around town looking for work. I research until I know there is a place to go for a job or when I have an interview.

I learned how to work a computer, the only real instructions I was given, was how to copy and paste and save on a disc and I went from there and learned how to do others things on the computer. I learned to use Microsoft Word, Google Documents, blogs, html, and social media networking.

Nobody knows what I really have accomplished in the past four years. I may look like I am just sitting here and not knowing what I am doing. I may not have job right now, but I am working on it. Sometimes I don’t give myself credit for all I have done. But I really achieved a lot and learned a lot. I made it this far!
I made it this far.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thank you

Thank You!

Reached to 45 views, May 16th and 32 views, May 17th
 Followers 24 wordpress and 195 twitter

I had seaweed salad and I liked it!

I ate seaweed salad and I liked it. I liked it so much I had a craving for it! So I searched my local stores to see if I could find seaweed. No luck!

So I tried to make something similar. I guess I can call it oriental coleslaw.
I bought
garlic flavored rice vinegar
sesame seed oil sweet
sour dipping sauce
2 8oz pre shredded coleslaw

I used the whole bottle of sweet and sour sauce, about ¼ cup of sesame oil, 3 Tablespoons of rice vinegar. Tossed it all together with the coleslaw and let it sit over night.

I achieved desired results I satisfied my craving for something oriental, seaweed salad and coleslaw.

I guessed right, I detected sesame oil on the seaweed salad.

Winter to Spring



Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Backyard Circus II, through the Leaves

Wild turkeys
Wild turkeys live in the woods and come out into the field at least once a day.
This weekend one turkey ventured all the way to the backyard. I have never observed the turkeys coming so far. I also observed turkeys getting caught in a downpour. They do not drown in the rain, like I have heard.

There are now 3 gray squirrels and 1 brown squirrel visiting. I had to stop putting out bird food, they were eating everything.

One special visitor, Baltimore oriole!

The birds are just like cats when you talk on the phone. I have to stand by the window to get a strong signal. The birds think I am talking to them; they all come and start talking back louder. Just like cat meowing louder because they are getting mad you are not paying attention to them. When I am done talking they are all gone.

The chickadees are the only ones that show thanks for the food, they come right to the window as if to show me and thank me.

Soon the birds will be playing hide and seek with me!

Friday, May 11, 2012

All the Employers see on Job Center of Wisconsin

This is the preview of a resume on Job Center of Wisconsin. I try to cram information in the Skills section so an employer can see how far I am willing to commute for work and the DWD program I am in.

If an employer contacts me through Job Center of Wisconsin I refer to the number my resume is assigned. The employer only sees your assigned number, no address or email.

Match Profile

Looking for work in: Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington Counties


Mid level skilled manufacturing production worker and machine operator

Press Operator-Plastic Injection Molding
Inspection Tester/Sorter
Machine operator
Production worker


Plastics Worker and Fastener Sorter
9/2008 to 12/2011
Retail Production Worker
1/2011 to 7/2011
Machine Operator
7/2009 to 10/2009
Machine Operator and Inspector
1/2008 to 3/2008
Production Paint Line Operator
2/1997 to 12/2000
Leather Goods Production Assembler
8/1987 to 2/1997


Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Diploma beyond High School
Course(s) of Study:
Completed 2 yr program. Food preparation, restaurant kitchen and institutional kitchen.


Metal Workers and Plastic Workers, All Other: 1 - 2 years
Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders: 1 - 2 years
Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers: 6 - 10 years

Desired Salary: $10.00 Per Hour


Mid level skilled manufacturing production worker and machine operator

Interested in contributing to your organization, advancing skills and experience as

Press Operator-Plastic Injection Molding
Inspection Tester/Sorter
Machine operator
Production worker

Seeking work within 30 miles of West Bend, WI

Participant Workforce Development program: TIME

Your organization could get reimbursed for hiring and training me.

Manufacturing jobs, no temporary or staffing agencies, full time work, Wisconsin

Managed and trained individuals and multi person teams

Adapted, contributed, gained experience in many departments

Press Operator-Plastic Injection Molding
Machine operator
Production Worker
Material Handler
Peer and new employee Trainer

Ultrasonic plastic welding machine
Ceramic powder injection molding machine
Punch press
Compression molding machine
Hydraulic die cutting machine


Full-Time, Full-Time Temporary
First, Second, Third
Work Day(s):
Monday-Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Has Transportation Available
Has a Valid Drivers License

Updated 05/11/2012

Milwaukee Career Expo May 10th, 2012

I went to the Milwaukee Career Expo May 10th,2012

Preregistration was required to get a ticket to enter.

I received letter informing me of the Milwaukee Career Expo through the state office Department of Workforce Development.

I had to have a resume on Job Center of Wisconsin, fill out a self assessment survey and show it to Department of Workforce Development representative to get my ticket.

I researched the list of employers and made a list of the ones I wanted to visit. I brought 15 resumes, handed out 11.

Many of the jobs were too far for me to commute. Only one employer may be a match.

Only one employer was kind of cold, only willing to talk to and accept resumes for qualified job seekers for current openings.

When I arrived there was no signage at other entrances, I parked in lot way too far from the building. Later I found a tiny sign while walking back to my car.


Job Center of Wisconsin and the letter posted all the requirements and instructions. There was no reason not to be prepared.

The flyer said, be dressed for interviews, bring 30 resumes.

Many of the job seekers didn’t come prepared, no ticket, and not dressed for interview.

Attendance: 72 employers, 2000 job seekers!

Milwaukee Career Expo

Flaming Habeneros!

My husband is from another country, which uses habeneros very often in cooking. He did not know habeneros were available in America too. He met other people from his country that brought habeneros and other food stuffs from his country for him to cook with.
So from then on we were making dishes from his country. Pepper Soup with okra.
Our children were very small when my husband started to cook with habeneros.
My husband had a habit when the children showed signs of any illness; I had to head for medicine and give them all medicine to stop the illness in it's tracks.
I was in charge of grinding the habeneros and okra.
I was grinding away, the children were coughing, and sneezing and eyes were tearing. My husband thought they were sick. He said get the medicine. My children ran to hide from taking medicine.
Then he looks at me, I am in the same condition as the children. I look at him his eyes are watering too. We opened the windows to let the fumes out. We quickly recovered.
From then on we prepared habeneros with the windows open, even in the winter when the wind-chill was below zero.
My husband usually preferred 6 habeneros!
Once I made the mistake of using the grinder for fruit smoothie and got habenero taste and flaming effects of 6 habeneros in a fruit smoothie.
I know I could have used another grinder, but I didn’t have that option. And didn’t know what was going to happen to the smoothie.
Grinder tip
I found the easiest and best way to clean out all habeneros residues out of the grinder, is to grind the habeneros first then, okra, onion, or some greens.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Get out God!

We told God to get out of our schools.
We told God to get out of our government.
But when Katrina hit..
we cried, "Where were you God?!"

Do you know Jesus?

Jesus never turned anyone away.
Jesus accepted all who came to him.
 Jesus never judged anyone.
Jesus never forced anyone follow him.
Jesus never forced anyone to believe in him.
Jesus never scared anyone to believe in him.
Jesus forgives and forgets.
Jesus came for everyone on earth.
 Jesus loves everyone.
Jesus knows what you are thinking.
Jesus knows what you need.
Jesus commanded everyone to love one another.

History of Diabla Speaking Spanish