Thursday, November 29, 2018

Job Search Summary 11/27/2018

November 27

I had an interview with a job that had very little job description. Just 2nd shift Production, 11.50, no experience necessary.

I didn't get more details from the recruiter until the confirmation email. I received company information with the email. I researched the company. That's when I realized, I may not be fit for the job. The job was industrial painting, huge heavy metal parts. I may be too short and be unable to lift the weight. I went to the interview to see the job anyway, just to make sure.

When I got to the office there were 3 other people waiting. Something serious must have just happened, the office personal were running around and some were crying.

The HR was late, and didn't have my resume ready. Didn't know what staffing agency I was from.
I didn't get good vibes from this job.

Job Center
I get to the job center. I find a voicemail and email from another job agency. I caved in. This job agency had been calling me since September 7. I arranged for another interview. A trek towards Milwaukee. No problem. Interview December 4.

I answered an email, arranged for another interview at a different staffing agency. Interview scheduled for Thursday.

November 28

I decided to be brave, called another staffing agency. I ended up with another interview, the same day.

Job Center
I get to the job center, one of the staff showed me a flyer for a job hiring event. I can't make it, so I applied online. I printed out some resumes and reference pages for my upcoming interviews.

This was the best interview of all. I worked with this agency before. It was actually the first agency that found me a job early 2008. All I had to do was update my information.

November 29

I head to Milwaukee for an interview with a staffing agency. I had to take a math test. I wasn't ready for that. I forgot how read the ruler. I do know the basic but not the bitty stuff.

Job Center
I get back to the job center. I find a really good job offer, from the agency I interviewed with on Wednesday. I replied yes I am interested, send in my inforation to your client!

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