Monday, November 5, 2018

Flat Out

One Saturday, I was leaving work.

I knew I needed a new tire, but I thought I had time.

I started to hear, that bad sound of a flat tire flapping.

I pulled over to figure out what to do. I was in dangerous part of the highway to change the tire.

I thought I was current with my AAA membership. I called them. Found out my membership was not current. For $$$ I could get renewed. Then they will send someone to help me. I only had $8.00 in my account. So that was a deadend.

Then I called 911. The dispatcher said nobody is going come to change my tire for me. That's not the only reason I called 911, so I could get protection from a police officer, so nobody could hit and run me.

As soon as the dispatcher said nobody is going to come, a police officer came. He got right to helping me.

Then the police officer put on the spare tire. Then I realized there's no air in the spare tire. Back to the same problem. I have no way to get home.

On top of all that, my cellphone battery was dying. I accidentally called a woman from work, hoping she made it home already.

I tried my best to tell her everything that was going, and I needed air.

Guess what, her husband dropped whatever he was doing.

Before I knew it, he came, filled up the tire, and he was gone. He was faster than Superman! I didn't even get to thank him.

I really took a big chance on this woman and her husband. They lived 1/2 away from work. They lived on my route to work. And they have been to my house. I was thinking if things didn't work out. They would help me get home.

My phone was on the last bit of energy. The screen was so dark. I managed to get the help I needed.

I thought it was a stupid idea to call this lady.  She's not going to be home. Her husband wasn't going to be home. They didn't have an air compressor. My cellphone was dying. The police officer wasn't going to help.

I think he could have found me a way to charge my phone or let me call on his phone.

I took a leap of faith. I survived.

That's why I have reasons of having 2 of everything.

2 pairs of house and car keys
2 power banks charged

And keep a closer eye on the tires.

I'm prepared for emergencies.

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