Friday, November 16, 2018

Job Summary

11/12/- 11/16/2018

This week I applied for 5 jobs.
Tweaked some resumes on job sites.
I was rejected by 2 employers.

First heartbreak
I was chatting back and forth with the recruiter. Set up an interview. I invited the interviewer and recruiter to connect on LinkedIn. I thought the interview went great. I went home excited. I was anxious all weekend. Kept checking my email and LinkedIn. I couldn't take the suspense anymore.

I reached out to the whole instigator. What happened? They hired someone internally.

Second heartbreak
I applied for a job in Sheboygan, I got a rejection email from that job.

Third heartbreak, almost heartbreak
I had an interview with a staffing agency 2 weeks ago. I was waiting for an interview with one of their clients.

I sent an email to the recruiter I interviewed with. I got a quick email back. That the recruiter I was talking to, was no longer working for that staffing agency.

Then I got the idea to set up another interview with a different recruiter at that same office.

I really dared myself to go. I don't trust this agency yet. I didn't like one of the clients they were going to send me to. But it's time to do something about my situation. I never know if I can do the job unless I look at it and try it. I thought this interview went well and I felt good.

Not a bad week of action, considering I stayed at home and applied for jobs with my phone from my bed. I wasn't really lazy.

I was so busy. I forgot I set up 2 interviews for the same time and day. I had to cancel the other because it was farther and snow was coming.

One job online application had an avatar HR, it made me do math and reading tests, to complete my application.

I just made an appointment for a phone interview as I wrote this post.

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