Thursday, November 15, 2018

What's Your Problem???

I binge on That 70's Show to take my mind off job hunting and that I still don't a have a job. I don't have money for Christmas and major bills coming up.

What is looming ahead. I won't have vacation. It's going to take me a year to accrue vacation. I need to travel to see my children. I need a job to fall back on when I come home.

I didn't leave my job voluntarily. My job just ended. I couldn't find a better position.

This week I applied to 5 jobs.

Last Friday I had a great interview. There was good conversation up to the interview. There was great excitement. I even connected to these people on LinkedIn. I tried to sell myself to this company on LinkedIn; I showcased my work experience. And then dead silence.

I finally gave in. I emailed the person who started the whole thing. They hired someone internally. Thanks for the news flash.

I keep reading these posts on LinkedIn, Stop looking for perfect!

All I know I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.

I have to apply for 4 jobs per week.
I tweak my resume to each job I apply.
I network on LinkedIn.
I prepare for interviews.
I showcase my job experience on my blog and share my post on LinkedIn.
I have 3 friends I can count on and network with too.

I am supposed to be frustrated. I have a lot at stake.

How I can be a role model? How can I advise them how to find a job when I can't.

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