Thursday, November 29, 2018

Job Search Summary 11/27/2018

November 27

I had an interview with a job that had very little job description. Just 2nd shift Production, 11.50, no experience necessary.

I didn't get more details from the recruiter until the confirmation email. I received company information with the email. I researched the company. That's when I realized, I may not be fit for the job. The job was industrial painting, huge heavy metal parts. I may be too short and be unable to lift the weight. I went to the interview to see the job anyway, just to make sure.

When I got to the office there were 3 other people waiting. Something serious must have just happened, the office personal were running around and some were crying.

The HR was late, and didn't have my resume ready. Didn't know what staffing agency I was from.
I didn't get good vibes from this job.

Job Center
I get to the job center. I find a voicemail and email from another job agency. I caved in. This job agency had been calling me since September 7. I arranged for another interview. A trek towards Milwaukee. No problem. Interview December 4.

I answered an email, arranged for another interview at a different staffing agency. Interview scheduled for Thursday.

November 28

I decided to be brave, called another staffing agency. I ended up with another interview, the same day.

Job Center
I get to the job center, one of the staff showed me a flyer for a job hiring event. I can't make it, so I applied online. I printed out some resumes and reference pages for my upcoming interviews.

This was the best interview of all. I worked with this agency before. It was actually the first agency that found me a job early 2008. All I had to do was update my information.

November 29

I head to Milwaukee for an interview with a staffing agency. I had to take a math test. I wasn't ready for that. I forgot how read the ruler. I do know the basic but not the bitty stuff.

Job Center
I get back to the job center. I find a really good job offer, from the agency I interviewed with on Wednesday. I replied yes I am interested, send in my inforation to your client!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Look Who Came to Visit 👀

Once a day, I go to my backyard window.

I see deer, turkey, geese, and egrets.

In the trees, there's blue jays, cardinals, robins, yellow finches, purple finches, woodpeckers, crows, pigeons, and more.

Under the trees, are rabbits, squirrels, and, chipmunks. At night cats, raccoons, and opossums.

Now this is a new one. At least I think it's new. I was looking out the window, over the field trying to see if deer came out into the field.

I looked in the trees to see if there were birds.  Low and behold, a face looking right at me.

It's a raccoon staring at me! He sure looks cute. I have never seen a raccoon staring back at me from that tree before.

But raccoons can be a problem. They make horrible noises when it's a group of raccoons. Sounds like cats fighting or a couple bickering.

Then at night, on the road, they like to run across the road, from out of nowhere. And they keep running at you, towards the car. There's no way to get out of the way.  I always end up running over a raccoon. They are not easy to run over. They can wreck the car. Then I feel guilty all the way home.

I hope this raccoon didn't scare all the other creatures away or steal food from the squirrel and chipmunk hiding places.

This raccoon sat in the tree for a long time, I kept coming back to see if it left. He was still there. The last time I checked, he finally scattered away.

Winter Skål 🍻

Here is my 5th choice of my build your own six pack.

Winter Skål, brewed by Captial Brewery, Middleton, Wisconsin

Look at the bottle, the design in the glass looks like snow glistening, as it falls to the ground.

A full bodied beer with a warm amber hue showing off it's rich malt body. Mildly bittered, featuring a hop presence that compliments and rounds out the malt overtones.

I think it's a rich, smooth flavor, easy to drink, the after taste seems mildly bitter, kind of spicy. It's a good taste.

Founders All Day IPA, Session Ale

This is my 4th installment of my build your own six pack.

Founders All Day IPA, Session Ale, made in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Very enjoyable, robust, easy to drink. There's an after taste I can't identify. It's sweet and citrus. I think it's grapefruit. Doesn't have ingredients listed on the can. I like the sweet at the end.

Chocolate Lab Porter

This is my 3rd installment of my latest build your own six pack.

Chocolate Lab Porter, Wisconsin Brewing Company,  made in Verona, Wisconsin. It's a dark smooth easy to drink beer.

It's not a bock 🍺, it's a porter. 

Shiner Bock, 🍺

This is the 2nd installment of my build your own six pack.

Shiner Bock, Spoetzl Brewery, Shiner Texas.

It's brewed combined old world Bavarian, and American handcraft.

It's a smooth dark beer, very drinkable, enjoyable, with a sweet end. It's kinda fruity after taste. It's fun savoring the sweet ending of each sip.

This 🍺 was most exciting so far of the six pack.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Reese's Peanut butter Cups with pieces.

I have been hearing the commercials for Reese's peanut butter cups with pieces inside. The pieces are in the bottom of the cups. And now that it's Christmas, they come in miniatures.

The pieces make the peanut butter cups crispy.

I found the candy bar version. It's even more pleasure.

Polka King 🍺

I treated myself to a build your own six pack. I deserve it, for 3 months of job search and the frustration or not finding a job yet. I haven't been offered a job, I haven't refused a job.

Here is my first selection of the six pack.
Tastes great. Not bitter or strong. Just right.

Here's the text on the can...

Polka King is named after Freddy K. A legendary character in Door County who loved polka, his tractor, and 🍺. Polka King is a dark brown Porter brewed with pale chocolate malts and English hops. It's a malty beer with notes or roasted chocolate and caramel. Kick up your heels, and drink to the king!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Vegan Slaughterhouse

Pukka Tea

Pukka Tea, organic aniseed, fennel, and cardamom

Very herbal, you can really taste the fennel. Mellow, earthy, kind of spicy.

Dandelion Tea, spiced

This dandelion tea is very cinnamony spiced. Not too spicy, mellow, and earthy. I would not treat this one like coffee.

It's a good change of flavor.

Dandelion Tea

I have been exploring tea. I wanted to drink more water, have flavor, and healthy benefits.

I always wanted to try dandelion tea.

This tea is mellow and earthy. You can treat it like coffee. I added maple syrup, it tasted like coffee to me.

History of Diabla Speaking Spanish