Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween←Need to Cheer Yourself Up? Try This

My Second Language

My favorite language is Spanish, my ability is familiar Spanish. I forget most of the proper Spanish. I know lots of phrases and words. I know the important questions and answers. I can’t remember all the conjugation and sentence structure. I try to learn new words and phrases.
I remember my Spanish from my high school classes. I tried to keep it in my brain. I didn't get to use my Spanish until 5 years after graduation. Then it was 20+ years until I could practice Spanish again.
I used my knowledge of Spanish to make friends with my Hispanic coworkers. My coworkers teach me some new words; swear or naughty words. They were happy to teach me more words and make sentences. One thing I know my friends understood my Spanish, and some said I knew more than they did.

I get so mad when people say to my friends, Speak English! These people are so afraid of my Hispanic friends speaking Spanish. I say yeah, they're planning to buy drugs or planning to rob a store or a terrorist attack. Really!  I say if they are speaking Spanish, It’s a private conversation not meant for everybody’s business.

I am trying to learn the second language my children speak. It's not sticking to me like Spanish did.

Dealing with a Prolonged Job Search


Combating Boredom

I have been doing nothing but going to work and for the past 6 years. There are lots of things I haven’t been able to do for fun.


This is what I have been doing ...

  • Making bracelets. Hoping I would sell them. Now I have to get the nerve to sell them. I don't know if my bracelets are good enough.

    A post shared by Jodi (@jodineoneofthediablas) on

  • Driving around town to see what is new and enjoying the views.
  • Posting more to my blog, since I’m not so tired from work to think.
  • I have been challenging myself to go out to eat at different restaurants. Keeps me from sitting home alone. I keep finding myself going back to one restaurant because it plays Christian music. I used to play Christian music to and from work every day. Then I post reviews.

You can say I am killing several birds with one stone. I’m ...

  • enjoying myself
  • treating myself after an interview
  • rewarding myself for successfully navigating to an unfamiliar area for an interview
  • keeping myself from being bored
  • getting my dosage of Christian music.

These are the restaurants I have been to…

My care team

My care team are 3 people from my last job, the only ones who reached out to me after my abrupt exit. Nobody else made an effort out of all my close associates. They agreed to be my references. We chat through Messenger. I keep them informed of my job searches and I express my frustrations. When I needed them to fill out a survey for part of the application requirements, they responded happily and immediately.

My 2 children, they have been really supportive and understanding. I was going to hide my current situation from them. I told them everything. They have to be ready for the unexpected and ready for changes too. It’s a lesson in life.

This is what my daughter said to me when I told her I lost my job.


I have one person that reached out to me on LinkedIn. I feel it’s been a successful interaction so far.

This is what I’m afraid of

Taking a class or volunteering, I want to be available for immediate openings.

Taking any job that comes along; I don’t want to get stuck at a low paying wage or just stuck.

Problem I have is; I have to fulfill the unemployment requirements of 4 job searches. I have to apply to 4 jobs per week. I get too many jobs that are not a fit; too far, not the right skills, wage is too low, etc.

I don’t know who to trust someone to help me get the right job, to keep me from getting a job that might make me to go back to job hunting too soon.

My hope and positive thinking

I am fresh out of work; I have better work experience than I did 6 years ago. My experience is valuable and applicable to many manufacturing positions. I am valuable. I am worth it and I deserve a good job just like I had for the last 6 years.

This time off from work allowed me to be available for my son and daughter. Helped my son transition to living on campus at college. It's my daughter's first time in college and living with other people. I was available to listen to her worries and concerns. We worked through it together.

I haven't had to take pain medication for 2 months, for my aches and pains.

Somehow I am still managing my bills and provide for my children, even though my unemployment is half my previous income. I need better income so I can visit my children and bring gifts next year.

I wrote this post after reading this 11 Tips for Dealing with a Prolonged Job Search



Monday, October 29, 2018

Mom's Creations

Mom's bombs

My mom canned her own spaghetti sauce, diced tomatoes, ketchup, and pickles.

She also made jams. I remember the most was elderberry syrup and jam.

Mom and dad making homemade 🍷 wine.

But my mom made her ketchup, with cinnamon and chunky onions. I'm sorry but I didn't like it. My ketchup needs to be smooth. I really appreciated my mom's efforts of canning and trying to provide healthy homemade foods. I just couldn't like her ketchup recipe.

Then she got this idea to use dry onion soup mixed in with the hamburger meat. When my dad grilled those hamburgers, it smelled so good. I never really liked these hamburgers taste, either.

I sit down with my mouth watering for a juicy hamburger and cheese. My mind is shot down from the taste and feeling in my mouth from the ketchup. I forgot my mom's little onion soup mix. Ooooh disappointed!!

And I really tried to like both hamburgers and ketchup. I begged mom and dad to make some hamburgers plain. But I never win. I did eat, even though I didn't like it.

Then came our version of pizza. We used 🍞 slices for the crust, Mom's homemade pizza sauce, sliced hotdogs, and government America cheese slices. It smelled great baking in the oven. One serving satisfied my craving for pizza. I couldn't eat more because it didn't really taste like pizza anymore.

Then my made something that turned out so gross. Even she said it was gross. It smelled so good when she cooked it.

My mom made stuffed, peppers, tomatoes, and onions. I can't remember what she filled them with. I think it was rice and ground beef. The smell and sight made me gag. I did my best to try it. I just remember how gross it was.

Here's my grossness. I put cucumber and sweet mini peppers, in my America potato salad, with mustard, mayonnaise, and pickle relish. Gaggggg

Thrift Story

I worked at a thirft store. I didn't know styles and what was current. Many times I put things on the rack. I get my rack inspected. My selections were always scrutinized. My pricing was scrutinized. I was always scolded in front of everyone.

I do know what is good quality though, thanks to working at a thrift store. Looking for stains, rips, holes, wear and tear on the elbows, under the forearms on shirt sleeves, knees, crotch, and butt.

I now see people wearing clothes that they think are so special. But standing behind them I can see the wear and tear.

I see the embarrassing wear and tear on my clothes too. I change my outfits many time before I go out.

When I worked at the thrift store, I just had entered the workforce after being a stay at home mom. And experienced at buying clothes from a thrift store. I felt some pricing was still too high for a struggling family with many kids. So I tried to put lower prices on some clothes. But I never got away with it. My racks always got sent back for rework.

Then come the shorts season. We were starting to put shorts out. There was a rule for pricing. One of the supervisors helped me. She told me what prices should be on the shorts. So I did everything she said.

The next day I continued with this supervisor's advice. The lady next to me questioned me. Then that supervisor questioned me. She asked me, who said you could price shorts that way. Many of the associates around me pointed to her.

For the past 6 years I didn't care about the looks of my clothes, because I was in a factory 86 hours every 2 weeks. I was too tired to go out. I didn't need nice clothes.

I go back to the thrift store and I  inspect what is being brought onto the floor. Many times I yell out, "Oh really, Betty you passed this!" There's a lot of clothes out there with stains and rips, and with the regular pricing.

See this shirt...

Think it's just a pretty shirt that can be worn at any time.

I created  a controversy over this shirt.

My supervisor said it was a Christmas or New Years holiday shirt.

What about the people who don't believe in Christmas?

It's a pretty warm shirt that can be worn any time.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

My Work Experience, My Behavior

I tend to socialize while I'm working, but not to where I stop working. I like to make fun with my coworkers, so we can get through another day with our sanity intact.

That's why I loved my last position at Kohler. I was able to come in and say hi before I start my work. I made sure I got a good laugh out. Or they got a good laugh out of me.

I make little jokes.

Like my coworker Matt.

I made him mad, because I gave him 2 nicknames. Matt tress or Welcome Matt. When his name was called over the pa system, I heard Matt tress.

If you are Matt tress, you get laid on.

If you are Welcome Matt, you get walked all over.

Which do you prefer?

Then he came up with a nickname for me.
Trampoline, oohh that was a good one! I laughed all night. You really have to think about it at first. Jodine rhymes with Trampoline.

Then I learned from his buddy, he was so mad all night, because I laughed and didn't get mad.

There were times I would be working all alone in the value stream. I get so engrossed in my work and freaking bored.

It was a long walk to the bathroom. It was a good way to stretch out, get the cobwebs out of my brain, and visit my coworkers on the way back to the cell. Then I go back to work, pound out more parts.

Towards the end of the my time on 2nd shift, I had the most experience in setting up tools, jobs, how to put set up a pallet, lots of little things like that.

I was the only one who knew how to troubleshoot the label printer. Sometimes I come just in time to solve a problem.

Even though it wasn't my job to check up on my coworkers, make sure everything was okay. I still did it.

That's the kind person and worker I am.

Job Search Activities Summary

This week's job search lead me to Germantown. 10/24/2018

I had an interview with one staffing agency. I had visited this office 6 years ago. I went to the old location. I checked my phone for GPS. I found myself in the wrong place. The arrows we're pointing to the next office complex.

I moved over to the other office complex. I checked my phone again. I was in the right place, but I couldn't tell which door. There was no sign outside. I had to figure out by looking at my phone.

I arrived really early. That was a good idea.

While I was sitting in my car waiting for my interview time. I checked my LinkedIn. I found someone from another staffing agency, invited me to connect.

I received phone calls from this person and checked out their profile.

I decided to wait until the interview was over to act.

Guess what, this staffing agency the same office complex. So, I took a big step out of my comfort zone. I accepted the invite

I messaged this person, through LinkedIn messaging. Found out this recruiter was in a different location. But she contacted the office where I was. I got my foot in the door at this location.

It was a good thing I brought extra resumes. I really wasn't ready for a second interview.

I was in the neighborhood and I need a job. I give it a try.

It was an exciting day, I went home happy. I have someone else interested in working with me.

Need to Cheer Yourself Up? Try This

Go to Messenger.
Take a selfie with a filter.

You will get a laugh just from picking a face. There's video and music while you take the selfie. But it doesn't play when you share it on My Story.

I have asked for feedback, my audience doesn't see what I can.

In honor of Ghost

My Ghost face, Can you feel the thunder 🎶🎶🎶

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Man Who Sold the World, Discovery

Discovery of the day🎶🎶🎶

I was searching YouTube for David Bowie on Saturday Night Live.

First, I found this video-

What is going on! I only heard this song performed by Nirvana.

Then I'm reading the comments. That was the only way I could get educated on this.This song is David Bowie's.

I found a better video-

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Insta Discovery

I always wanted to save Instagram photos, so I could edit on PicsArt app.

Hello!  Screenshot

Then I wanted a way to share on my blog. 

Embedding works. 

Shopping for a Good Cause

I remembered how I volunteered for Salvation Army Christmas shopping for kids who might not get Christmas gifts.

That was fun, spending  someone else's money for a good cause.

I had to buy 2 brothers gifts. I first thought the 💰 amount was for the 2 brothers. And there was no way to get many gifts. I thought that wasn't fair. When I got to the checkout, I asked. I was informed it was like $70 per child.

So, I went back out there to get as many items that was on their wishlists.

Then I had in mind, the 2 boys were brothers. I was buying gifts like, I would for my 2 boys. I was selecting items that were similar, so the brothers wouldn't get jealous.

I realized that the brothers were 2 separate boys. And thought what if they were in the same class, how would it look if they were wearing the same thing.

I ditched all the items and started over again.

I got all the boots, snowsuits, mittens, scarves, and hats. I threw in extra hats and mittens, because I knew how kids always lose hats and mittens. Then I got some toys. I stayed within the 💰 limit.

Hide and Shrieking

History of Diabla Speaking Spanish