Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Dealing with a Prolonged Job Search


Combating Boredom

I have been doing nothing but going to work and for the past 6 years. There are lots of things I haven’t been able to do for fun.


This is what I have been doing ...

  • Making bracelets. Hoping I would sell them. Now I have to get the nerve to sell them. I don't know if my bracelets are good enough.

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  • Driving around town to see what is new and enjoying the views.
  • Posting more to my blog, since I’m not so tired from work to think.
  • I have been challenging myself to go out to eat at different restaurants. Keeps me from sitting home alone. I keep finding myself going back to one restaurant because it plays Christian music. I used to play Christian music to and from work every day. Then I post reviews.

You can say I am killing several birds with one stone. I’m ...

  • enjoying myself
  • treating myself after an interview
  • rewarding myself for successfully navigating to an unfamiliar area for an interview
  • keeping myself from being bored
  • getting my dosage of Christian music.

These are the restaurants I have been to…

My care team

My care team are 3 people from my last job, the only ones who reached out to me after my abrupt exit. Nobody else made an effort out of all my close associates. They agreed to be my references. We chat through Messenger. I keep them informed of my job searches and I express my frustrations. When I needed them to fill out a survey for part of the application requirements, they responded happily and immediately.

My 2 children, they have been really supportive and understanding. I was going to hide my current situation from them. I told them everything. They have to be ready for the unexpected and ready for changes too. It’s a lesson in life.

This is what my daughter said to me when I told her I lost my job.


I have one person that reached out to me on LinkedIn. I feel it’s been a successful interaction so far.

This is what I’m afraid of

Taking a class or volunteering, I want to be available for immediate openings.

Taking any job that comes along; I don’t want to get stuck at a low paying wage or just stuck.

Problem I have is; I have to fulfill the unemployment requirements of 4 job searches. I have to apply to 4 jobs per week. I get too many jobs that are not a fit; too far, not the right skills, wage is too low, etc.

I don’t know who to trust someone to help me get the right job, to keep me from getting a job that might make me to go back to job hunting too soon.

My hope and positive thinking

I am fresh out of work; I have better work experience than I did 6 years ago. My experience is valuable and applicable to many manufacturing positions. I am valuable. I am worth it and I deserve a good job just like I had for the last 6 years.

This time off from work allowed me to be available for my son and daughter. Helped my son transition to living on campus at college. It's my daughter's first time in college and living with other people. I was available to listen to her worries and concerns. We worked through it together.

I haven't had to take pain medication for 2 months, for my aches and pains.

Somehow I am still managing my bills and provide for my children, even though my unemployment is half my previous income. I need better income so I can visit my children and bring gifts next year.

I wrote this post after reading this 11 Tips for Dealing with a Prolonged Job Search



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