Saturday, October 13, 2018

My Work Experience, Plastics

Work Experiences in plastics

One time, I was operating an automatic plastic injection machine; the timing was off, the cycle started before the parts fell out of the cavitity; squishing the rubber parts. I alerted the technician every time it happened. I didn't want to get blamed for scrap.

I tried to work on 2 cells that assembled conveyor belt chains. I always shyed away from working 2 cells like that together. Some how I was able process the parts, assemble the chain, and had good timing between the two machines. 

I couldn't do everything. I needed a little extra hand. I couldn't do the quality checks all the way or packing. The team leader saw the effort I made, send me someone to help when it came that point.

I lost my rhythm, when one of the jobs was completed. Then I only had one machine and one chain to assemble. When the 2nd machine started up again, I just couldn't get back to where I was. I kept falling behind. It was the last 2 hours. I guess I was fatigued.

I freaked out one of my coworkers who trained me and knew I wasn't the fastest. He come to give me break when I was on only one work cell, building one chain. I showed him where I was working. He was like, You here and there? No way! I was doing it!

Then there was another 2 work cells put together. It was very hard to get the timing right. I busted my butt all night. 

I was on this cell for 3 days in a row. I went home frustrated, burnt out every night.

One night I finally got a break; I worked on  another cell I was good at. 

I saw one guy working where I was. I didn't see him struggle or frustrated. I know he struggled at some jobs too. So I went back there to see what was going on. 

WTF! I yelled WHAT! I found another guy working on the other cell; the other guy was helping. 

My helper didn't stay to help me! He just helped me get caught up.

The guy that came back to help me when I was back there, saw me. He knew I was investigating why my friend was able keep with both machines. He laughed when he heard me cry out, when I saw my coworkers just chilling, working at ease. 

The 2 guys looked at me, like Whaaaat to me.

It wasn't just my lack of skill, I witnessed others struggle all night with the 2 cells.

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