Thursday, October 18, 2018

My Work Experience, Building generator housing

I needed a job. I thought this was a cool job.
The job description was, small generator housing assembly.

But it wasn't small.

I was expected to take parts off a paint rack, that I couldn't reach.

Then add the fasteners and other components to those parts for assembly.

Some parts, were like the size of a house door.

There was a building platform. I was working with someone. We bring parts to the platform, started to assemble generator housing piece by piece.

We had to carry big pieces of painted sheet metal, and step up on the platform to set the parts on the platform.

We formed a skeleton of the housing.

We prepped and assembled parts to finish the housing. We build inside and around the housing.

When the housing was completed, it was ready to move. Then little sets of wheels were set down on the floor for each corner, for transport to the next assembly station. We used a hoist to lift and shove the housing onto the little wheels. Not easy, the wheels weren't locked in place, sometimes the wheels rolled out of place.

I tried this job for about 3 weeks. It was determined I was not able to do this job, because I was expected to do this job alone.

It was true. I couldn't reach the parts on the paint rack. I couldn't lift big heavy parts, sometimes over the head, like I witnessed the other workers were doing. I was allowed to resign from this position until something better for me came along.

I made the mistake of not looking at the job before accepting the job. I thought it was small parts, like the small parts I had been assembling.

I learned to use a tool to help match holes on 2 different pieces, so bolts or screws would go in evenly.

I can only say, I tried.

I wish that when we do a job search, we could look at the job, to see if you are able to do the job. Not just look at the description or resume. Bring the applicant in to see the job. Not just talking.

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