Monday, October 15, 2018

Job Search Summary

October 15

Today, I went on an interview in Sheboygan Falls.

I found an email for this job, on my other email. I don't know how, I found no record of confirmation on both emails. I thought it was too late to answer the email. Then I saw a new email, I replied to that one. I got the ball rolling for this interview.

I was sent an email for confirmation of interview. Another email for, a link for a survey for my coworkers who were willing to be my references. I sent out a text message to everyone, with a link. Then I found out I needed their email addresses. I text everyone again. I needed 3 coworkers and 2 team leaders. 

The job is 24 hours per week, 8 hours, 3 days a week. No benefits. No guarantee of 24 hours per week.

They demanded 5 references, one of my team leaders got fired. So, my refernces won't be complete.

I need full time, 40 hours per week. This job will not be worth traveling 40 miles.

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