Tuesday, October 9, 2018

My Work Experience, Dealing with Difficult Workers

I was being treated like as a procrastinator and aggressive worker.

I described my work load to an outsider, she said, Wow that's a lot of work!

I prepared an average of 8 to 14 jobs, or 8 hours of work for 3-4 cells. 1 cell had an average of 10 jobs. 3 cells had an average of 2 jobs each. I got the work done in 8 hours.

Yet my team leader thought I could do more. I was pushed to do more.

I was asked leave the hardest cell for later. That cost me. Because I needed manuals printed. The team leader left and had access to look up manuals. That decision to leave this cell for later, made my jobs incomplete, unable to run first thing in the morning.

I got mad when I got pushed. I was already pushing myself. I didn't have the understanding from the team leader, how much work I was doing.

This is what my friends said about me when they heard I was let go.

"They lost a good worker, who worked hard, and came in every day, and never late."

I tried to put those words in my summary in my resume and profile.

This blog post, reminded me of the way my team leader talked to me.


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