Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Green Eyed Lady

There was a lady, she was bossy. She was fun but had bad temper. When she didn't get her way, she let you know. Her blue eyes turned green. And she yell and stomp around.

One day she was working, the guy behind her work cell, the water testing equipment sprung a leak. Water was pouring out on the floor. The water was coming her way.

She yelled like, Wizard of Oz witch, "Mark your tester is leaking. I'm melting, I'm melting, I'm melting!" Hahaha!

Then there was a day, she asked someone to do her a favor. She didn't explain what it was. The person she asked, was already doing something. When the person didn't do anything right away. She stomped away. Her eyes turned green.  And the other workers saw her coming, they knew she was no mood to talk.

She had to do her task all by herself. Oh my!

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