Monday, October 29, 2018

Mom's Creations

Mom's bombs

My mom canned her own spaghetti sauce, diced tomatoes, ketchup, and pickles.

She also made jams. I remember the most was elderberry syrup and jam.

Mom and dad making homemade 🍷 wine.

But my mom made her ketchup, with cinnamon and chunky onions. I'm sorry but I didn't like it. My ketchup needs to be smooth. I really appreciated my mom's efforts of canning and trying to provide healthy homemade foods. I just couldn't like her ketchup recipe.

Then she got this idea to use dry onion soup mixed in with the hamburger meat. When my dad grilled those hamburgers, it smelled so good. I never really liked these hamburgers taste, either.

I sit down with my mouth watering for a juicy hamburger and cheese. My mind is shot down from the taste and feeling in my mouth from the ketchup. I forgot my mom's little onion soup mix. Ooooh disappointed!!

And I really tried to like both hamburgers and ketchup. I begged mom and dad to make some hamburgers plain. But I never win. I did eat, even though I didn't like it.

Then came our version of pizza. We used 🍞 slices for the crust, Mom's homemade pizza sauce, sliced hotdogs, and government America cheese slices. It smelled great baking in the oven. One serving satisfied my craving for pizza. I couldn't eat more because it didn't really taste like pizza anymore.

Then my made something that turned out so gross. Even she said it was gross. It smelled so good when she cooked it.

My mom made stuffed, peppers, tomatoes, and onions. I can't remember what she filled them with. I think it was rice and ground beef. The smell and sight made me gag. I did my best to try it. I just remember how gross it was.

Here's my grossness. I put cucumber and sweet mini peppers, in my America potato salad, with mustard, mayonnaise, and pickle relish. Gaggggg

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