Monday, October 8, 2018

Job Search Activities


9:00 am to
Checked My Indeed for potential jobs to apply for.

Found 2, did my research on LinkedIn and Google search about the companies.

Caught up on what's going on on LinkedIn.

Did my creative activity. Write some blog posts. Toggle my blog layout and colors.

After 12 pm. I started to get calls.

First, was a response from the phone interview last Thursday. I was called to set up a face to face interview. Yes!

Then I get another call to set up a another interview. But I can't commit. I have 2 mandatory for required job search activities. I must keep these commitments to keep unemployment payments coming.

5:00 pm

I get home, I peeked at my other email. I found  email from another employer I applied for last month. I found a previous email, I didn't answer, I thought I was too late. So I replied to the new email.

Now I have 3 potential jobs, 2 with great pay. 2 closer to home.

I'm going to see if I can get all the interviews, then decide or the HR decides for me.

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